[NCSG-EC] Applications review

Rafik Dammak rafik.dammak at gmail.com
Tue Feb 18 15:27:12 EET 2025

hi all,

As follow-up of what we discussed at the last EC call, I am sending here a
summary of what  was proposed:
- all EC members should have access now to the membership system. Please
let me know Tapani if you are facing any access issues.
- all EC members should review the individual and organizational
applications in the system.  Let us know if you have any questions about
using the system.
- Review will be conducted till Seattle meeting
- Any application which has no objection or flagged for follow-up will be
considered as approved . Email to be sent in order to inform the new member
about the application result, adding the NCSG mailing list and announcement
sent to NCSG list. Then the new members' names will be sent to the
corresponding constituencies
- EC members will have the meeting in Seattle F2F and provide RP to Wale,
will discuss the applications flagged for concern and follow-up. EC will
decide on the follow-up and reach the applicants. The goal is to finish all
application reviews and decisions by the end of March if possible. Per
operating procedure, applicants should reply within one month of EC inquiry.
- After working on that backlog, we will have a regular review of
applicants , expecting a peak after the Seattle meeting.

as reminder here the NCSG charter and relevant operating procedure:
- https://community.icann.org/display/gnsononcomstake/Charter
- https://community.icann.org/display/gnsononcomstake/Operating+Procedures

As shared, we are also reviewing the operating procedures and make
suggestions with regard to adding timeframe etc.

Let me know if you have any comments/questions.


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