[NCSG-EC] Applications review
Pedro de Perdigão Lana
pedrodeperdigaolana at gmail.com
Wed Feb 19 04:19:28 EET 2025
Hi all,
Just as a reminder and to facilitate the usage of the system, this is the
link you should use to log in: https://members.ncsg.is/
To analyze cases, be they individual or organizational, click first "view
details", check the info, and afterward click on "Approve or comment
application" at the end.
As far as I remember, we have as a practice need to justify only when we
mark "no", so others can learn the reason and also interact with you if
they believe a mistake was made.
I was a bit confused when using the system the first few times, so I
thought this could be helpful.
*Pedro de Perdigão Lana*
Lawyer <https://www.nic.br/>, GEDAI/UFPR <https://www.gedai.com.br/>
PhD Candidate (UFPR), LLM in Business Law (UCoimbra)
Coordination/Board/EC @ NCUC <https://www.ncuc.org> & NCSG
<https://community.icann.org/display/gnsononcomstake/Home>(ICANN), IODA
<https://ioda.org.br/> and CC Brasil <https://br.creativecommons.net/>
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Em ter., 18 de fev. de 2025 às 10:27, Rafik Dammak via NCSG-EC <
ncsg-ec at lists.ncsg.is> escreveu:
> hi all,
> As follow-up of what we discussed at the last EC call, I am sending here a
> summary of what was proposed:
> - all EC members should have access now to the membership system. Please
> let me know Tapani if you are facing any access issues.
> - all EC members should review the individual and organizational
> applications in the system. Let us know if you have any questions about
> using the system.
> - Review will be conducted till Seattle meeting
> - Any application which has no objection or flagged for follow-up will be
> considered as approved . Email to be sent in order to inform the new member
> about the application result, adding the NCSG mailing list and announcement
> sent to NCSG list. Then the new members' names will be sent to the
> corresponding constituencies
> - EC members will have the meeting in Seattle F2F and provide RP to Wale,
> will discuss the applications flagged for concern and follow-up. EC will
> decide on the follow-up and reach the applicants. The goal is to finish all
> application reviews and decisions by the end of March if possible. Per
> operating procedure, applicants should reply within one month of EC inquiry.
> - After working on that backlog, we will have a regular review of
> applicants , expecting a peak after the Seattle meeting.
> as reminder here the NCSG charter and relevant operating procedure:
> - https://community.icann.org/display/gnsononcomstake/Charter
> - https://community.icann.org/display/gnsononcomstake/Operating+Procedures
> As shared, we are also reviewing the operating procedures and make
> suggestions with regard to adding timeframe etc.
> Let me know if you have any comments/questions.
> Best,
> Rafik
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