[NCSG-PC] Fwd: FW: [GNSO-TPR] Transfer PDP Concensus Call

Tomslin Samme-Nlar mesumbeslin at gmail.com
Thu Jan 23 01:18:57 EET 2025

Dear PC members,

Please see Ken's (one of our reps to TPR PDP) message below. Let me know as
soon as you can if you have any objection to NCSG accepting the consensus
designations as per Ken's suggestion below.


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ken Herman <ken at kherman.com>
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2025, 06:31
Subject: FW: [GNSO-TPR] Transfer PDP Concensus Call
To: Tomslin Samme-Nlar <mesumbeslin at gmail.com>
Cc: Juan Manuel Rojas <jumaropi at yahoo.com>

Hello Tomslin.

I received this email today (presumably Juan also received it), and as you
can see we are being asked to confirm our acceptance of the recommendations.

While we (NCSG) did not achieve everything we suggested in the public
comment period, some of our suggestions were accepted. At this point, as I
pointed out in my recent message, I do not see any reason to object to any
of the recommendations.

Does this need a discussion/approval with the policy committee?

Let me know the appropriate procedure so I can respond accordingly.



*From:* rcarney--- via GNSO-TPR <gnso-tpr at icann.org>
*Sent:* Wednesday, January 22, 2025 11:10 AM
*To:* gnso-tpr at icann.org
*Subject:* [GNSO-TPR] Transfer PDP Concensus Call

Dear TPR Working Group members,

As discussed during our meeting on 21 January 2025, this message is to
notify you of the opening of the Consensus Call process on the TPR final
policy recommendations.

The TPR leadership team has proposed a consensus designation for every
final recommendation that the working group has finalized. These consensus
designations are contained in the attached document entitled, “*TPR WG
Consensus Call - Leadership Proposed Consensus Designations*.”

This Consensus Call process opens today, 22 January 2025 at 00:00 UTC and
closing on 31 January 2025 at 23:59 UTC. In accordance with the *GNSO
Working Group Guidelines
working group members are required to indicate via reply to this message
whether they accept, or do not accept, the leadership team’s proposed
consensus designations. If no objection is raised by any member, the
consensus designation is considered accepted by that working group member.
If you do not respond before 31 January 2025 at 23:59 UTC, the leadership
team will take this as acceptance of the consensus designations. If any
objection is raised for any specific final recommendation, the leadership
team is expected to reevaluate the consensus designation of such
recommendation and publish an updated designation to be reviewed by the
working group.

In the event there is no disagreement by the working group with the
proposed consensus designations, TPR Policy Support Staff will incorporate
the designations into the Phase 2 Final Report.

As set out in the *TPR Working Group Charter
only Members appointed by their representative groups are expected to
participate in the Consensus Call process. Participants and observers will
not be able to participate.

For reference, please also see the attached document entitled “*TPR FINAL
RECOMMENDATIONS (ONLY)*” that contains the forty-seven (47) recommendations
to be included in the Final Report.

For more information about the Consensus Call, you may review the *GNSO
Working Group Guidelines
the *Working Group Charter
VI: Decision Making Methodologies).

Best regards,

Roger Carney, TPR WG Chair
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