[NCSG-PC] March PC Call proposed agenda

Tomslin Samme-Nlar mesumbeslin at gmail.com
Mon Mar 7 12:54:35 EET 2022

Dear PC,

Please below the draft agenda for our ICANN73 PC call. Let me know please
if you have any item you'd like to see added to the agenda.

1.     Welcome & Introduction

2.     GNSO Council Agenda walk-through

3.     Discussion: SubPro – Closed Generics

 a.     The Board has proposed for the GAC and GNSO Council to consult on a
mutually agreeable way forward. What do NCSG members think about this?

4.     Administrative updates & any other business

a.     Call for volunteers on the Policy Status Report on the Uniform
Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) public comment.

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