[NCSG-PC] [urgent] SCBO Input

Ayden Férdeline icann at ferdeline.com
Tue Aug 14 19:41:43 EEST 2018

Dear all,

The NCSG needs to provide input to the Council’s Standing Committee on Budget and Operations urgently.

I have drafted a response in this Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VZD5r114eNS94Qh7Is1R9h_k8BXvcfcwFdFDSJK64tU/edit?usp=sharing

Can you please review and provide feedback today if possible, or tomorrow by the latest.

Please note, this is not a formal comment opportunity, it will only inform the SCBO’s call for next Monday, whereby the SCBO will be drafting a letter to the GNSO Council.

Kind regards,

Ayden Férdeline
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