[NCSG-PC] Fwd: Re: ICANN58 Data Protection Session Planning

Stephanie Perrin stephanie.perrin at mail.utoronto.ca
Sat Feb 18 08:07:04 EET 2017

unfortunately, commissioners are not going to stay till Wednesday, it is 
all getting crammed into Monday.  best we could do would be something 
first thing Tuesday.....

I think Chuck has got some time in there somehow.....can remember when 
but will find it and send to the list


On 2017-02-17 19:26, Ayden Férdeline wrote:
> If I understand correctly, the Commissioners are visiting us on the 
> Wednesday? In that case, for maximum attendance, it might be best if 
> our session was from 1:45pm to 3:00pm. But I do not know what the rest 
> of their day looks like. Thanks again for organising this.
> Ayden
>> -------- Original Message --------
>> Subject: Re: [NCSG-PC] Fwd: Re: ICANN58 Data Protection Session Planning
>> Local Time: 15 February 2017 9:38 PM
>> UTC Time: 15 February 2017 21:38
>> From: stephanie.perrin at mail.utoronto.ca
>> To: ncsg-pc at lists.ncsg.is
>> you are right, it is on Saturday
>> On 2017-02-15 12:33, Ayden Férdeline wrote:
>>> Hi Stephanie,
>>> I don't see an RDS meeting scheduled for the Wednesday? Perhaps it 
>>> is on the schedule under a different name, or perhaps I have just 
>>> missed it? (Here is a link to the tentative schedule 
>>> <http://lists.ncuc.org/pipermail/ncuc-discuss/attachments/20170214/01a86592/attachment.pdf>.)
>>> Best wishes,
>>> Ayden
>>>> -------- Original Message --------
>>>> Subject: Re: [NCSG-PC] Fwd: Re: ICANN58 Data Protection Session 
>>>> Planning
>>>> Local Time: 15 February 2017 11:55 AM
>>>> UTC Time: 15 February 2017 11:55
>>>> From: stephanie.perrin at mail.utoronto.ca
>>>> To: Rafik Dammak <rafik.dammak at gmail.com>
>>>> ncsg-pc <ncsg-pc at lists.ncsg.is>
>>>> Ok so Maryam got back to me.  THey forgot it.  (how Convenient).  
>>>> So do we have a preferred timeslot?  I will ask Peter....
>>>> Steph
>>>> On 2017-02-15 00:28, Rafik Dammak wrote:
>>>>> Hi Stephanie,
>>>>> I think what Farzaneh wanted to highlight is that NCSG made a 
>>>>> meeting request for NCSG-DPA session but you are saying that DPA 
>>>>> will go to RDS session instead?
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Rafik
>>>>> 2017-02-15 14:12 GMT+09:00 Stephanie Perrin 
>>>>> <stephanie.perrin at mail.utoronto.ca 
>>>>> <mailto:stephanie.perrin at mail.utoronto.ca>>:
>>>>>     Wednesday is still our day alone to use as we see fit.  Chuck
>>>>>     is trying to get Mr Cannatucci to attend our RDS meeting on
>>>>>     Wednesday., I will forward that thread to you as well.  All
>>>>>     the other sessions are monday
>>>>>     On 2017-02-14 23:59, farzaneh badii wrote:
>>>>>>     Hi Stephanie,
>>>>>>     We both asked Maryam to follow up on NCSG session with the UN
>>>>>>     special rapp. I think would be helpful that Tapani also
>>>>>>     follows up since it's an NCSG request and we still don't see
>>>>>>     it on the schedule. Did I interpret it wrong that you said
>>>>>>     Chuck was planning to turn that into a GNSO meeting. Is the
>>>>>>     wednesday session only NCSG meeting wtih the UN rapp?
>>>>>>     Farzaneh
>>>>>>     On Tue, Feb 14, 2017 at 11:23 PM, Stephanie Perrin
>>>>>>     <stephanie.perrin at mail.utoronto.ca
>>>>>>     <mailto:stephanie.perrin at mail.utoronto.ca>> wrote:
>>>>>>         What happened is this:
>>>>>>           * GAC was asked to sponsor, never got it done
>>>>>>           * GNSO was asked to sponsor, proposed instead to
>>>>>>             replace a lapsed HIT with this panel
>>>>>>           * Invitations went out for the opening day of the
>>>>>>             conference (they had to, these are busy guys)
>>>>>>           * IPC weighed in demanding balanced HIT style panels
>>>>>>             (Victoria sheckler their person on this)
>>>>>>           * Side meetings have apparently been arranged
>>>>>>           * only guy available for our meeting on Wednesday is UN
>>>>>>             Special Rapporteur for privacy (grateful for this,
>>>>>>             this is a big deal and I am trying to get his latest
>>>>>>             book read prior to the event
>>>>>>         Last version I saw of the schedule we did not have a
>>>>>>         session.  You were checking on that. Chuck Gomes was
>>>>>>         asking for time for the PDP on RDS but Monday is only
>>>>>>         day, he is trying for 8 am breakfast meeting.
>>>>>>         cheers Steph
>>>>>>         On 2017-02-14 23:09, farzaneh badii wrote:
>>>>>>>         Hi Stephanie,
>>>>>>>         Can you clarify something for me? Is this the
>>>>>>>         Cross- Community Discussion with
>>>>>>>         Data Protection Commissioners?
>>>>>>>         If so, didn't we also submit a session request ( NCSG
>>>>>>>         request)? Did that turn into the above session? Where
>>>>>>>         did this session come from and where is NCSG session?
>>>>>>>         Farzaneh
>>>>>>>         On Tue, Feb 14, 2017 at 10:43 PM, Stephanie Perrin
>>>>>>>         <stephanie.perrin at mail.utoronto.ca
>>>>>>>         <mailto:stephanie.perrin at mail.utoronto.ca>> wrote:
>>>>>>>             I am biting my tongue on this. As some of you
>>>>>>>             heard,  I raised this with Goran. I am tempted to
>>>>>>>             just slide it along to him. With of course a mention
>>>>>>>             of how the GAC and ICANN staff sat on this from
>>>>>>>             Hyderabad until mid January.
>>>>>>>             Suggestions welcome.  Pissed off, am I.
>>>>>>>             Steph
>>>>>>>             -------- Forwarded Message --------
>>>>>>>             Subject:
>>>>>>>             	Re: ICANN58 Data Protection Session Planning
>>>>>>>             Date:
>>>>>>>             	Tue, 14 Feb 2017 21:52:54 -0500
>>>>>>>             From:
>>>>>>>             	Greg Shatan <gregshatanipc at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>             <mailto:gregshatanipc at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>             To:
>>>>>>>             	KIMPIAN Peter <Peter.KIMPIAN at coe.int>
>>>>>>>             <mailto:Peter.KIMPIAN at coe.int>
>>>>>>>             CC:
>>>>>>>             	Victoria Sheckler <vsheckler at riaa.com>
>>>>>>>             <mailto:vsheckler at riaa.com>, James M. Bladel
>>>>>>>             <jbladel at godaddy.com> <mailto:jbladel at godaddy.com>,
>>>>>>>             kathy at kathykleiman.com
>>>>>>>             <mailto:kathy at kathykleiman.com>
>>>>>>>             <kathy at kathykleiman.com>
>>>>>>>             <mailto:kathy at kathykleiman.com>,
>>>>>>>             donna.austin at neustar.biz
>>>>>>>             <mailto:donna.austin at neustar.biz>
>>>>>>>             <donna.austin at neustar.biz>
>>>>>>>             <mailto:donna.austin at neustar.biz>,
>>>>>>>             heather.forrest at acu.edu.au
>>>>>>>             <mailto:heather.forrest at acu.edu.au>
>>>>>>>             <heather.forrest at acu.edu.au>
>>>>>>>             <mailto:heather.forrest at acu.edu.au>, Stephanie
>>>>>>>             Perrin <stephanie.perrin at mail.utoronto.ca>
>>>>>>>             <mailto:stephanie.perrin at mail.utoronto.ca>, KWASNY
>>>>>>>             Sophie <Sophie.KWASNY at coe.int>
>>>>>>>             <mailto:Sophie.KWASNY at coe.int>, Wilson, Christopher
>>>>>>>             <cwilson at 21cf.com> <mailto:cwilson at 21cf.com>, Tony
>>>>>>>             Holmes <tonyarholmes at btinternet.com>
>>>>>>>             <mailto:tonyarholmes at btinternet.com>
>>>>>>>             All,
>>>>>>>             /First, apologies for the length of this message and
>>>>>>>             a tone that is more strident than I intend it to
>>>>>>>             be.  Another pass through this email could smooth
>>>>>>>             the rough edges, but it is 2:45 am in Reykjavik and
>>>>>>>             I have a 7:15 breakfast meeting, so my capacity is
>>>>>>>             exhausted (and so am I). Please read this with a
>>>>>>>             friendly, collegial tone in mind and indulge me
>>>>>>>              where I have failed to have the tone of the text
>>>>>>>             match my desire to be a good working partner (and to
>>>>>>>             "disagree without being disagreeable") even where
>>>>>>>             our perspectives may differ.  (As partial
>>>>>>>             explanation, my sport of choice in my youth was
>>>>>>>             rugby ("a ruffian's game played by gentlemen"),
>>>>>>>             while fencing probably would have been more
>>>>>>>             apropos....)/
>>>>>>>             I am quite concerned with where we are in this
>>>>>>>             discussion. There are either some substantial
>>>>>>>             misunderstandings about what this session, as a
>>>>>>>             "High Interest Topic", is supposed to be -- or there
>>>>>>>             is an apparent intent to exclude perspectives that
>>>>>>>             will keep this from being a celebration of data
>>>>>>>             protection principles.  I hope it's the former, but
>>>>>>>             even that is unfortunate.
>>>>>>>             Perhaps the root of the problem is combining the
>>>>>>>             original idea for a CoE-organized presentation with
>>>>>>>             the High Interest Topic (HIT) concept -- or perhaps
>>>>>>>             that just highlighted the inherent problem with the
>>>>>>>             session. HIT doesn't just refer to a level of
>>>>>>>             interest -- it's supposed to be a
>>>>>>>             community-generated proposal that is then planned
>>>>>>>             and presented with multistakeholder participation
>>>>>>>             (and _not_ merely by the proposing organization). 
>>>>>>>             One of the problems we had with the last round of
>>>>>>>             HITs was a proposal for a HIT session to be planned
>>>>>>>             and presented by a single part of the community,
>>>>>>>             largely consisting of a presentation by one of its
>>>>>>>             members and only minor roles for any sector not
>>>>>>>             sympathetic to the views of this member and
>>>>>>>             community group.  This was inconsistent with the
>>>>>>>             idea that the proposing organization does not
>>>>>>>             control the content of a HIT session. Fortunately,
>>>>>>>             the original planners agreed to to expand to a more
>>>>>>>             diverse planning team, with the result being a more
>>>>>>>             diverse panel and a very lively and well-received
>>>>>>>             session.  When community leaders got on the phone to
>>>>>>>             consider this round of HITs, we wanted to avoid a
>>>>>>>             replay of this situation (although it ended well
>>>>>>>             enough).
>>>>>>>             When this data protection session was brought to the
>>>>>>>             community leaders group as a late suggestion for one
>>>>>>>             of the HIT slots, I was concerned we might be
>>>>>>>             heading for a replay, so the IPC specified that one
>>>>>>>             of our members (Vicky) should be added to the
>>>>>>>             planning group (knowing that at least one other
>>>>>>>             constituency shared very similar concerns). Unlike
>>>>>>>             the last time, where we were able to get a hand on
>>>>>>>             the tiller and help turn the ship, I've found our
>>>>>>>             attempts to be largely rebuffed. This has been
>>>>>>>             increasingly frustrating.
>>>>>>>             I'd like to respond to some of the specific
>>>>>>>             statements on this thread since I last had an
>>>>>>>             opportunity to respond:
>>>>>>>             Vicky wrote:
>>>>>>>             I don’t see here (but I am also sleep deprived)
>>>>>>>             which panelist will represent public safety /
>>>>>>>             transparency / enforcement concerns.
>>>>>>>             Peter responded:
>>>>>>>             Uuhhh, if you are in US it is quite early for you…in
>>>>>>>             my sense usually the governments are responsible and
>>>>>>>             accountable for the issues you mentioned, therefore
>>>>>>>             it seemed to me logical that those issues will be
>>>>>>>             taken care by a representative of the GAC. Besides
>>>>>>>             that, the PSWG is a sub-group of the GAC which is
>>>>>>>             deliberately discussing those issues you mentioned…
>>>>>>>             Greg: This misses the point of Vicky's question and
>>>>>>>             perhaps misses a fundamental point about ICANN --
>>>>>>>             that it is a multistakeholder organization and
>>>>>>>             /not/ a multilateral organization. Governments are
>>>>>>>             not the only ones concerned with investigation and
>>>>>>>             enforcement -- there are also significant parts of
>>>>>>>             the private sector deeply engaged in investigation
>>>>>>>             and enforcement (and not to put too fine a point on
>>>>>>>             it, but IPC (my group and Vicky's group) represents
>>>>>>>             one of those parts of the private sector).  As such,
>>>>>>>             at least one voice from these parts of the private
>>>>>>>             sector should be present on the panel. Even within
>>>>>>>             governments, there are parts that deal with public
>>>>>>>             safety and enforcement. The idea that a
>>>>>>>             representative of the GAC will provide this
>>>>>>>             perspective seems mistaken.  As fine a chair as the
>>>>>>>             GAC chair is, I don't believe this is his
>>>>>>>             perspective, and the suggestion this would be within
>>>>>>>             his brief seemed based more on protocol than
>>>>>>>             practicality. As revealed in this thread, Ms.
>>>>>>>             Bauer-Bulst is the co-chair of the PSWG, so would be
>>>>>>>             more on point for this perspective (though
>>>>>>>             apparently she is not sufficiently august to appear
>>>>>>>             on the panel, even if she is a Deputy Head of Unit,
>>>>>>>             and not merely a Team Leader as was stated earlier
>>>>>>>             in this exchange).
>>>>>>>             Peter replied to James Bladel in red below:
>>>>>>>                 Thanks, Peter.  Looks like I did miss this at
>>>>>>>                 some point, so please accept my apologies for
>>>>>>>                 the confusion.
>>>>>>>                 Generally, I"m ok with this, but a few thoughts:
>>>>>>>                 * I'm not sure what "sponsored" by the GNSO
>>>>>>>                 means in this context. Maybe we could say
>>>>>>>                 something like "convened" or "supported" jointly
>>>>>>>                 by the GNSO & GAC?à this expression was used by
>>>>>>>                 ICANN staff but I can only agree that those you
>>>>>>>                 suggested are much better.
>>>>>>>             Greg: From my point of view, this support is
>>>>>>>             predicated on the panel representing multiple
>>>>>>>             perspectives.
>>>>>>>                 * I think we need to keep the number panelists
>>>>>>>                 to an absolute minimum.à I agree. 3+3 should be
>>>>>>>                 the maximum (!).  If we strive to represent all
>>>>>>>                 seven GNSO SG/Cs, plus GAC, plus COE/DPAs, then
>>>>>>>                 this session runs the risk of becoming "Death by
>>>>>>>                 PowerPoint" and dosn't leave much time for Q&A. 
>>>>>>>                 To that end, I will let Graeme know that we are
>>>>>>>                 looking for a RrSG panelist, but would encourage
>>>>>>>                 them to reach out to Jim Galvin and see if he is
>>>>>>>                 comfortable representing industry generally. Or
>>>>>>>                 if we need another CPH person that can wear both
>>>>>>>                 "hats."à not necessarily as Jim could represent
>>>>>>>                 it quite well, I am sure. (Being said that we
>>>>>>>                 would have preferred more focus on the industry
>>>>>>>                 itself and to the different players as they are
>>>>>>>                 the first level data controllers. All NCPH and
>>>>>>>                 GAC related groups are secondary only) But if
>>>>>>>                 the internal dynamic of GNSO is as such, be it,
>>>>>>>                 but in this case we suggest Becky Burr to be on
>>>>>>>                 the panel (and not being moderator).
>>>>>>>             Greg: ICANN and the GNSO are not merely about "the
>>>>>>>             industry." If you wanted an industry facing program
>>>>>>>             or a dialogue only with "the industry", the
>>>>>>>             appropriate place for that would be the GDD (Global
>>>>>>>             Domains Division) Summit.  As the President of an
>>>>>>>             "NCPH related group" I can assure you that our
>>>>>>>             concerns about data protection and privacy are not
>>>>>>>             "secondary" -- at least not to us and our
>>>>>>>             stakeholder community. This further shows the
>>>>>>>             problem of "perspectives" as this panel is being
>>>>>>>             planned.
>>>>>>>                 * Similarly, I think the NCPH should strive for
>>>>>>>                 ~2 panelists. Again, I apologize if the
>>>>>>>                 discussions were already headed in this
>>>>>>>                 direction, as I have lost track of the names
>>>>>>>                 proposed in this thread.à I really think that if
>>>>>>>                 CPH has one panellist NCPH should also has to
>>>>>>>                 have 1 only because of the arguments expressed
>>>>>>>                 above.
>>>>>>>             Greg: Peter, you may not know it (or perhaps you
>>>>>>>             may) but the NCPH is an umbrella over two parts of
>>>>>>>             the GNSO -- the Commercial Stakeholder Group and the
>>>>>>>             Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group.  There is no valid
>>>>>>>             way that a single panelist could provide the sharply
>>>>>>>             different perspectives of these two stakeholder
>>>>>>>             groups.  Even having a single panelist
>>>>>>>             representative the different perspectives of IP
>>>>>>>             stakeholders, ISPs and Connectivity Providers, and
>>>>>>>             the business user community is a stretch (which
>>>>>>>             hopefully would be mitigated by Q&A).  I would say
>>>>>>>             that if only panelist came from the NCPH, they
>>>>>>>             should come from the CSG, as we would offer a more
>>>>>>>             distinguishable perspective, but frankly that would
>>>>>>>             be unfair to the Non-Commercial side of the house
>>>>>>>             (which itself includes a range of viewpoints), and I
>>>>>>>             don't want to be unfair to the NCSG and its
>>>>>>>             constituencies either.
>>>>>>>                 à Therefore our suggestion for the panel: Becky
>>>>>>>                 Burr, Thomas Schneider, Jim Galvin
>>>>>>>             Greg: This neatly includes the contracted parties
>>>>>>>             (Registries and Registrars) and excluded the
>>>>>>>             commercial private sector represented in the NCPH.
>>>>>>>             This is not acceptable.  (Which is why James, as
>>>>>>>             Chair of the GNSO, wisely suggested 2 panelists from
>>>>>>>             the NCPH.)
>>>>>>>             This description was provided by Peter:
>>>>>>>                 A community-wide event will be organised on 13
>>>>>>>                 March 2017 under the form of a High Interest
>>>>>>>                 Topic “sponsored” by the Generic Names
>>>>>>>                 Supporting Organization (GNSO) Council (and
>>>>>>>                 possibly by the Governmental Advisory Committee
>>>>>>>                 (GAC) as well) which will enable the
>>>>>>>                 participation of interested ICANN communities.
>>>>>>>             Greg: We are an interested ICANN community and we
>>>>>>>             have been seeking to participate and/or to have
>>>>>>>             participation from the
>>>>>>>             enforcement/cybercrime/infringement side of the
>>>>>>>             roster.  So far with no success.
>>>>>>>                 The session could be jointly opened by the CEO
>>>>>>>                 of ICANN Board and the Director of Information
>>>>>>>                 Society and Action against Crime of the Council
>>>>>>>                 of Europe. During the session the United
>>>>>>>                 Nations’ Special Rapporteur on the right to
>>>>>>>                 privacy, the co-Chair of the Article 29 Working
>>>>>>>                 Group and the European Data Protection
>>>>>>>                 Supervisor together with high level
>>>>>>>                 representatives of registries’ group, the
>>>>>>>                 registrars’ group and the GAC will address in 10
>>>>>>>                 minutes each the above mentioned topics. During
>>>>>>>                 the session the involvement of the audience will
>>>>>>>                 be guaranteed by an open mike slot.
>>>>>>>                 I think during the last days, weeks we have
>>>>>>>                 reached an agreement on Ms Becky Burr moderating
>>>>>>>                 the panel and having James Galvin as
>>>>>>>                 representative for registries’ group (both
>>>>>>>                 seemed to agree on that). If we follow this
>>>>>>>                 logic we would need one representative from the
>>>>>>>                 GAC and one from registrars’ group. (We previously
>>>>>>>                 P
>>>>>>>                 suggested that the chair of these communities
>>>>>>>                 could be invited to speak under these two slots).
>>>>>>>             Greg: Not to sound like a broken record, but this
>>>>>>>             emphasis on including the contracted parties to the
>>>>>>>             exclusion of the non-contracted parties really runs
>>>>>>>             counter to multistakeholder sensibilities.
>>>>>>>             If the emphasis is on "high level representatives"
>>>>>>>             and "chairs" I would be willing to join the panel as
>>>>>>>             the chair of my community, though we may have better
>>>>>>>             candidates on substance (including Vicky, who is our
>>>>>>>             vice chair).
>>>>>>>             In response to my email asking what her goals for
>>>>>>>             the panel were (and which stated much of what I've
>>>>>>>             restated above), Stephanie Perrin wrote: Peter and
>>>>>>>             the COE are organizing this.  I will let them
>>>>>>>             explain the goals.  In my personal view....data
>>>>>>>             protection commissioners are not present at ICANN. 
>>>>>>>             The dialogue has been anything but robust, although
>>>>>>>             they have been attempting to engage for many many years.
>>>>>>>             Vicky responded:
>>>>>>>                 It is clear we need additional perspectives to
>>>>>>>                 make this a robust panel. I think james is a
>>>>>>>                 good addition and  we also need someone with
>>>>>>>                 Cathrin's perspective,
>>>>>>>                 Greg: We still need that perspective.
>>>>>>>             Peter responded with COE's goals:
>>>>>>>             The panellists will be invited to exchange views on
>>>>>>>             the privacy and data protection implications of
>>>>>>>             processing of WHOIS data, third party access to
>>>>>>>             personal data and the issue of accountability for
>>>>>>>             the processing of personal data. The expected
>>>>>>>             outcome of the event is a better mutual
>>>>>>>             understanding of the underlying questions related to
>>>>>>>             the protection of privacy and personal data and the
>>>>>>>             strengthening of an open and inclusive dialogue on
>>>>>>>             these issues, to be carried on anytime deemed necessary.
>>>>>>>             Greg: We are among those "third parties" and we are
>>>>>>>             seeking to be included in an open and inclusive
>>>>>>>             dialogue, and to include the perspective of
>>>>>>>             government as among those "third parties" as well. 
>>>>>>>             I'm not sure why this has become quite so difficult.
>>>>>>>             Prior to that Peter wrote:
>>>>>>>             I really don’t want to hurt anybody personally, I
>>>>>>>             find this exchange of mails rather odd [discussion
>>>>>>>             of the importance of EDPS, correction of Ms.
>>>>>>>             Bauer-Bulst's characterization of the EDPS as a
>>>>>>>             "body that advises,"  and the relative ranks of
>>>>>>>             various potential panelists removed for space]
>>>>>>>             Greg: I'm not sure why you find this exchange of
>>>>>>>             emails "rather odd", but perhaps it traces back to
>>>>>>>             the mismatch between a community-planned HIT and a
>>>>>>>             panel planned by the CoE. These emails are our
>>>>>>>             attempts at community planning -- again an
>>>>>>>             essentially multistakeholder effort.
>>>>>>>             In response to Stephanie's question to me "Who would
>>>>>>>             you propose?" (responding to my view that we needed
>>>>>>>             a panel that represented multiple perspectives),
>>>>>>>             Peter wrote:
>>>>>>>             I think we all are on the same page...therefore I
>>>>>>>             suggest to include Becky Burr to this panel. She was
>>>>>>>             recommended by other constituencies as well so if
>>>>>>>             you agree we can move along.
>>>>>>>             Greg: I respect Becky immensely and already said she
>>>>>>>             was a great choice on many counts.  Yet, the
>>>>>>>             response above misses my point -- that we need
>>>>>>>             perspectives beyond data protection officials and
>>>>>>>             "the industry."
>>>>>>>             Any more would be piling on, but I wanted to note
>>>>>>>             just a couple more things.  One was Peter's
>>>>>>>             suggestion that /The current state of preparation
>>>>>>>             would imply the following meetings/-/a session with
>>>>>>>             the GAC plenary,/-/a working lunch with the
>>>>>>>             Board,/-/community wide afternoon session possibly
>>>>>>>             in the format of an “High Interest
>>>>>>>             Topic”./-/alternatively or subsequently a joint
>>>>>>>             meeting with GNSO Council and ccNSO Council
>>>>>>>             /-/bilateral meetings with NSCG, NCUC and ALAC/
>>>>>>>             //
>>>>>>>             Greg: I would suggest that a bilateral meeting with
>>>>>>>             the CSG (and not merely with the more /simpatico/
>>>>>>>             community groups) should be considered, to say the
>>>>>>>             least.  We would be honored to have such a meeting
>>>>>>>             (and we don't bite).
>>>>>>>             Peter wrote, in response to Vicky:
>>>>>>>             Separately, please note I anticipate having some
>>>>>>>             additional suggestions for consideration for this
>>>>>>>             panel by the end of next week. àPlease do so, but
>>>>>>>             you have to understand that it is rather strange
>>>>>>>             that 1 month away of the event we don’t know who the
>>>>>>>             speakers would be. We have also made suggestions
>>>>>>>             which we believe enjoy the support of many in GNSO
>>>>>>>             (and beyond) fellows and follows the idea of
>>>>>>>             multi-stakeholderism and cover the main issues
>>>>>>>             Victoria suggested us to take into account including
>>>>>>>             third party access to data. I would recommend to
>>>>>>>             consider those and come back to us as quickly as you
>>>>>>>             can…
>>>>>>>             Greg: Given that this session was only suggested as
>>>>>>>             a High Interest Topic on January 23, it's not so
>>>>>>>             strange that we have not finalized the speakers
>>>>>>>             list.  We began discussing the other HIT sessions
>>>>>>>             quite a bit earlier.  That said, the sooner we can
>>>>>>>             bring the necessary people with the necessary
>>>>>>>             perspectives and the necessary protocol-sensitive
>>>>>>>             rank (apologies for our insensitivity to protocol
>>>>>>>             concerns; I guess Americans don't do well with rank,
>>>>>>>             and one of the refreshing aspects of the ICANN
>>>>>>>             milieu is that rank is generally absent from our
>>>>>>>             considerations).
>>>>>>>             I will once again emphasize that GNSO is itself a
>>>>>>>             multistakeholder organization so having "the support
>>>>>>>             of many in GNSO" does not mean that your suggestions
>>>>>>>             have the support of our part of the GNSO (hence, our
>>>>>>>             attempts since late last month). Leaving out the
>>>>>>>             commercial sector does not quite follow the idea of
>>>>>>>             multistakeholderism....
>>>>>>>             I would love nothing more for us to resolve this to
>>>>>>>             our collective and individual satisfaction and move
>>>>>>>             on. I look forward to doing so.
>>>>>>>             Best Regards,
>>>>>>>             Greg Shatan
>>>>>>>             President
>>>>>>>             Intellectual Property Constituency
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