[NCSG-EC] Review of applications for travel slots

Pedro de Perdigão Lana pedrodeperdigaolana at gmail.com
Fri Jan 17 00:03:38 EET 2025

Hi Rafik,

I think that, as we moved part of our conversation to a private setting, we
should also present a brief explanation of why Tapani was chosen (item 4 of
the Operating Procedures section you sent in the first email). My
suggestion, which encompasses at least the reasons why he was a possibility
of a consensus vote for me and ultimately became our collective vote:

"For full disclosure, EC members by majority on its last EC call decided to
discuss on private setting the applications due to the sensitivity
regarding eligibility and the search for a consensus vote, considering
different initial opinions. Tapani was chosen because of his previous
record on policy work and past contributions as part of non-commercial
leadership, while also proposing concrete tasks to be done as part of his


*Pedro de Perdigão Lana*
Lawyer <https://www.nic.br/>, GEDAI/UFPR <https://www.gedai.com.br/>
PhD Candidate (UFPR), LLM in Business Law (UCoimbra)
Coordination/Board/EC @ ISOC BR <https://isoc.org.br/>, NCUC
<https://www.ncuc.org> & NCSG
YouthLACIGF <https://youthlacigf.lat/>, IODA <https://ioda.org.br/> and CC
Brasil <https://br.creativecommons.net/>
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Em qui., 16 de jan. de 2025 às 18:43, Rafik Dammak via NCSG-EC <
ncsg-ec at lists.ncsg.is> escreveu:

> Hi all,
> As part of OP, we should also disclose to NCSG membership that we had
> discussion on private setting to discuss applicants eligibility.
> If you agree I will send this note:" for full disclosure, EC members by
> majority on its last EC call decided to discuss on private setting the
> applications due the sensitivity regarding elgibility"
> Any concern with this? Feel free to amend and edit.
> Best,
> Rafik
> On Fri, Jan 17, 2025, 06:32 Rafik Dammak <rafik.dammak at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> After long discussion and effort to reach consensus, EC decide to
>> allocate the travel slot to Tapani Tarvainen.
>> Best,
>> Rafik
>> On Tue, Jan 7, 2025, 22:56 Rafik Dammak <rafik.dammak at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> hi all,
>>> I sent prior to winter holidays a call for EOI for one travel slot and
>>> set a deadline to 6th January.  That will allow us to send the replacement
>>> to ICANN travel by the deadline of 22nd January and be within the timeframe
>>> of 7 days to make a decision.
>>> Our operating procedures are
>>> https://community.icann.org/display/gnsononcomstake/Operating+Procedures#OperatingProcedures-996937310
>>> highlighting the section relevant to the selection process:
>>>    1.
>>>    The NCSG Chair or ICANN support staff will send all eligible
>>>    requests received for travel support to the NCSG EC mailing list.
>>>    Ineligible requests are those applications that do not have Motivation
>>>    Statements. (If a Motivation Statement is missing and the application has
>>>    been received well before the deadline, the NCSG Chair or ICANN support
>>>    staff will endeavor to remind the candidate to re-submit their application
>>>    before the deadline with the Motivation Statement completed.) In addition,
>>>    after the deadline has passed, the NCSG Chair or ICANN support staff will
>>>    inform any applicants whose application was unsuccessful due to being
>>>    incomplete. An application is incomplete if it only expresses the desire to
>>>    travel but does not provide a detailed justification for being present
>>>    during the meeting and fulfill the criteria set out under section 4.
>>>    2.
>>>    The email addresses of the applicants should not intentionally be
>>>    shared on the public mailing list. If other private information is found
>>>    within the Motivation Statement or other attachments, such as one’s home
>>>    address, the NCSG Chair or ICANN support staff will endeavor to cloak this
>>>    information with a black box. However,  candidates should know and be
>>>    notified prior to applying that their Motivation Statement will be made
>>>    public and shared in a public mailing list.
>>>    3.
>>>    The NCSG Executive Committee will decide who to allocate the travel
>>>    slot to within one calendar week (7 days) after the deadline for submitting
>>>    applications. Each EC member must provide a justification as to why they
>>>    support an applicant and how the supported candidate fulfills the criteria
>>>    stipulated under section 4 and throughout this policy. The decision should
>>>    be taken through full consensus but if it is a matter of urgency, the Chair
>>>    can give a shorter deadline and make a decision with the support of at
>>>    least two other EC members.
>>>    4.
>>>    The results should be announced on the NCSG mailing list with a
>>>    justification.
>>>    5.
>>>    The EC deliberations on allocating travel slots should take place on
>>>    the NCSG-EC mailing list. If there are discussions about applicant
>>>    eligibility that should not be discussed on the public mailing list, the EC
>>>    can enter an executive session to discuss this matter privately, but with
>>>    full disclosure to the NCSG-mailing list on the rationale of discussing
>>>    such a matter privately. Discussing privately is allowed only under
>>>    exceptional circumstances and should be agreed upon by the majority of  EC.
>>> While Peter is not able to travel, he didn't indicate that he won't
>>> participate remotely. The language in the OP is not clear if travel slot
>>> replacement for councillor means automatically appointing an alternate.  My
>>> interpretation is that only applies if the councillor is NOT able at all to
>>> participate.  However, I am open to hear if there is another reading.
>>> Sharing below the list of applicants and their EOI (I only changed
>>> formatting for readability). I believe they are all complete as requested
>>> by the OP.
>>> * James Olorundare
>>> I am writing to let you know that I am very interested in filling the
>>> open travel slot for the upcoming ICANN meeting in Seattle, following the
>>> cancellation of the GNSO Councillor's travel plans. As an active member of
>>> the GNSO community, I meet the criteria outlined in the operating
>>> procedures.( link on temporary maintenance) .
>>> My passion for DNS SEC, DNS ABuse, and SMP and my commitment to
>>> contributing to the GNSO's work make me a strong candidate for this
>>> opportunity. I have consistently participated in GNSO activities, including
>>> Strategic Management Plan, DNS PDP etc. I have actively contributed to
>>> Domain Name System policy deliberations whilst attending meetings:
>>> contribution to public comments, and participating in discussions, and
>>> meetings. Meeting records demonstrate my consistent attendance of
>>> previously attended calls and contributions to Policy Development Processes
>>> (PDPs), NCSG Policy Committee meetings, and other relevant policy and
>>> related meetings.
>>> My expertise in the Policy Development Process both at national and
>>> regional levels would be valuable to the GNSO's work at the upcoming
>>> meeting. My physical presence at the meeting will contribute to capacity
>>> building within the NCSG, enabling others to more effectively participate
>>> in such discussions when key members are unavailable. As an experienced
>>> policy advocate within the ecosystem with involvement in national and
>>> regional policy work in this domain, I am well-equipped to engage in all
>>> relevant meetings and fulfill the responsibilities of this councilor. I am
>>> committed to actively representing the interests of the GNSO at the
>>> meeting. I will diligently participate in all relevant sessions, contribute
>>> to discussions, and provide timely updates on things that are needed. I
>>> recommend that the councilor in question to transfer specific tasks for me
>>> to handle and I will also ensure proper handover and transfer of duty for
>>> this meeting concerning the NCSG post-meeting by writing reports on the
>>> specific task handed over to me to complete this process. I also recommend
>>> this to be part of our community process.
>>> I am confident that I can effectively fill the councilor roles and
>>> responsibilities and contribute meaningfully to the GNSO's work at the
>>> ICANN meeting. I am available to travel to Seattle and fully participate in
>>> all relevant sessions because I have a USA visa.
>>> Thank you.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> * Frank Anati
>>> Dear Rafiz,
>>> I am writing to let you know that I am very interested in attending the
>>> upcoming ICANN meeting, in accordance with the NCSG operating procedures.
>>> As a dedicated advocate for advancing the NCSG’s interests and contributing
>>> to DNS policy discussions, I believe participating in this meeting is
>>> essential.
>>> The ICANN meeting provides a unique platform for direct engagement with
>>> key stakeholders, and I am eager to actively contribute to shaping the
>>> future of the Domain Name System (DNS). My physical presence will allow me
>>> to engage in real-time discussions, network with fellow experts,
>>> collaborate on critical policy initiatives, and implement the knowledge I
>>> have gained through the Policy Development Pilot, Policy Development
>>> Accelerator, and the Small Civil Society workshop for NCSG members
>>> organized by Kathy Kleiman in Kigali before ICANN80.
>>> My commitment to the PDP with NSCG is evident through my active meeting
>>> attendance and participation, including:
>>>    - Presenting at ICANN80 on SubPro Small Team Plus and proposing a
>>>    new Singular/Plural Strawman at the GNSO: NCUC Membership Work Session and
>>>    the GNSO: NCSG Policy Committee Work Session.
>>>    - Presenting with Kathy, Pedro, Houda, Wisdom and others at ICANN81
>>>    in Turkey on the Applicant Support Program during the NCUC Issue Forum
>>>    (Experimental workshop).
>>>    - Engaging in other relevant policy-related meetings.
>>> During the ICANN82 meeting, I pledge to:
>>>    - Attend all NCSG meetings and actively contribute to discussions.
>>>    - Help recruit new attendees to the NCSG.
>>>    - Volunteer at NCSG stands to raise awareness of the NCSG, if
>>>    available.
>>> I understand the importance of full participation and commit to being
>>> present at the meeting venue each day. I will diligently attend NCSG
>>> meetings, constituency gatherings, GNSO Council sessions, and relevant PDP
>>> meetings. I will provide prompt justification for any absence to maintain
>>> eligibility for future travel opportunities.
>>> Thank you for considering my application. I am excited by the
>>> opportunity to contribute to the success of the ICANN meeting and the
>>> NCSG’s objectives.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> * Farell Folly
>>> I am excited to submit my application for the travel sponsorship to
>>> attend the ICANN meeting in Seattle as an alternate GNSO Councillor
>>> representing the Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group (NCSG). This opportunity
>>> would allow me to re-engage actively in the community and contribute
>>> meaningfully to advancing NCSG’s mission at this critical juncture.
>>> ICANN has been a cornerstone of my professional and volunteer life since
>>> 2016, shaping my understanding of internet governance and the role of
>>> diverse stakeholders in policy development. Over the years, I have served
>>> the community in various capacities, including as an NCSG Policy Committee
>>> Vice-Chair, ICANN Fellow and Mentor, GNSO Councillor, and most recently,
>>> Vice-Chair of the Expedited Policy Development Working Group. These roles
>>> have given me a nuanced understanding of the issues, processes, and
>>> challenges faced by ICANN, as well as a strong foundation to represent the
>>> interests of the NCSG effectively.
>>> Why I Am Applying:
>>> While I stepped back temporarily to focus on my PhD and a career
>>> transition, my commitment to ICANN and the NCSG has never wavered. With
>>> these personal milestones now achieved, I am eager to re-invest my energy
>>> and expertise in the community. Attending the Seattle meeting in person as
>>> an alternate Councillor is critical to this renewed engagement for several
>>> reasons:
>>>    - *Continuity and Leadership:* My previous experience as a
>>>    Councillor allows me to step into this role seamlessly, offering immediate
>>>    value in discussions and decision-making processes. I am particularly
>>>    well-positioned to contribute to ongoing policy topics, as I have followed
>>>    them closely during my tenure.
>>>    - *Representation of NCSG Interests:* The Seattle meeting provides a
>>>    platform to champion the rights and priorities of internet users,
>>>    particularly those within non-commercial constituencies. My deep
>>>    understanding of both ICANN processes and NCSG objectives enables me to
>>>    serve as a strong advocate.
>>>    - *Bridging Expertise and New Challenges:* The policy landscape is
>>>    evolving, and I bring both historical context and a fresh perspective to
>>>    address emerging issues. My academic and professional pursuits have further
>>>    enriched my insights into cybersecurity and internet governance, which are
>>>    increasingly relevant to ICANN’s work.
>>> Commitments to the NCSG:
>>> If selected, I commit to:
>>>    1. Attending all NCSG, GNSO, and relevant PDP sessions at the
>>>    meeting to ensure the community’s voice is heard.
>>>    2. Providing post-meeting reports and sharing key takeaways with the
>>>    Policy Committee and broader membership.
>>>    3. Preparing thoroughly by reviewing governance documents, ongoing
>>>    PDPs, and preparatory sessions before the meeting.
>>> Physical attendance at this meeting is essential to engage directly with
>>> fellow stakeholders, build consensus, and navigate complex policy
>>> discussions in real time. The in-person connections and deliberations
>>> foster a level of collaboration that virtual settings often cannot
>>> replicate.
>>> Thank you for considering my application. I am eager to bring my
>>> experience, dedication, and passion for internet governance back to the
>>> forefront at ICANN Seattle, and I look forward to contributing to NCSG’s
>>> ongoing success.
>>> * Tapani Tarvainen
>>> Dear Rafik and Andrea,
>>> I am interested and able to travel to the Seattle meeting.
>>> Motivation:
>>> I would like to get work done on NCSG's member database management,
>>> either improving or preparing to migrate away from the CiviCRM setup.
>>> I would also like to get up to speed on GNSO activities, in paricular
>>> on next round New gTLDs, in preparation for increasing my activity
>>> within NCSG in the near future.
>>> If need be I should also be able to take on the role of alternate
>>> councillor at a short notice, too. (I can get a recommendation
>>> letter for that should it become necessary.)
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Tapani Tarvainen
>>> * Pascal Bekono
>>> Dear NCSG Chair,
>>> I would like to be considered for the travel slot. It would be extremely
>>> beneficial to be present at this ICANN82 meeting for several reasons.
>>>    - Firstly, I will allocate 7 hours per day to participate in all
>>>    NCSG activities during ICANN82. I always pay close attention to the council
>>>    meetings where I had the opportunity to make presentations. As a 2024
>>>    NOMCOM delegate, I have experience of a full ICANN week meeting.
>>>    - Secondly I will have the opportunity to mentor new NCSG/NCUC
>>>    members during breaks to enable them to have a good understanding of
>>>    NCSG policies and contributions. It's a new activity we are planning to
>>>    launch with approval. The experience within the ICANN Development Policy
>>>    accelerator is important for us to engage new members.
>>>    - Thirdly, it will be very important to join policy discussions
>>>    during council meetings.
>>>    - And, as IT expert, following latest development of the new gTLD
>>>    program and icann policies for communities, participation in the next
>>>    ICANN82 is very important
>>>    - I don't have visa issue,
>>>    - My report will be sent to you three days after the meeting.
>>>    - I will be available to provide necessary tasks for the NCSG during
>>>    ICANN82.
>>> Thank you for your time and consideration,
>>> Pascal Bekono
>>> *  Benjamin Akinmoyeje
>>> Dear NCSG Chair,
>>> Good day to you and I hope you are doing well.
>>> Please find attached my EOI for ICANN82 travel slot as a GNSO Council
>>> alternate.
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Benjamin
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