[NCSG-EC] NCSG EC travel for ICANN81 (Istanbul)

farzaneh badii farzaneh.badii at gmail.com
Tue Jun 25 08:48:06 EEST 2024

Hello Tapani

Caleb travelled last time on the travel slot as well. Was that not on the
NPOC travel slot? Do you not rotate? If you do rotate, why not this time as
well? If I am not in a position to ask these questions, why is NPOC NCSG EC
in a position to decide on NCUC travel slots?

I believe these two travel slots belong to NCUC NCSG EC reps. I believe the
best course of action here is to provide an opportunity for NCUC members to
apply. Your reasoning is great but when we open the call for NCUC, then you
can apply with that reasoning.


On Tue, Jun 25, 2024 at 7:03 AM Tapani Tarvainen <ncsg at tapani.tarvainen.info>

> Hi Farzaneh,
> Caleb is traveling on NPOC slot, so this decision will not affect
> his travel and there's no reason for him to recuse himself.
> I'm not sure if we have any rules or guidelines for recusals,
> but I will recuse myself from this decision.
> I won't even argue about it much, but I will add one data point:
> I still administer NCUC's IT infrastructure and one reason it might be
> useful for me to be in Istanbul would be talking about it with
> Wisdom, Benjamin and NCUC EC (some handover stuff from Benjamin
> to Wisdom, future plans).
> Regards,
> Tapani
> On Mon, Jun 24, 2024 at 02:47:53PM +0100, farzaneh badii via NCSG-EC (
> ncsg-ec at lists.ncsg.is) wrote:
> >
> > Caleb
> >
> > Since you potentially will be a recipient of the travel slot I suggest
> you
> > recuse yourself from the decision-making.
> >
> > Farzaneh
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