[NCSG-EC] More ICANN81 travel...

Johan Helsingius julf at Julf.com
Sat Jul 6 17:34:28 EEST 2024

Technically the NCSG EC gets 3 travel slots. It has been a convention
(but not a firm rule) that one goes to the chair, one to the NCSG
rep, and one to the NPOC rep. My suggestion is that this time it
goes to the incoming rather than outgoing chair - it is not a
situation where an EC member would be unable to use their slot.


On 06/07/2024 16:08, Caleb Olumuyiwa Ogundele wrote:
> Technically I have no objection except anyone wants to apply the 
> previous rule that was heavily debated by announcing this on the list.
> On Sat, Jul 6, 2024, 8:46 AM Johan Helsingius via NCSG-EC 
> <ncsg-ec at lists.ncsg.is <mailto:ncsg-ec at lists.ncsg.is>> wrote:
>     As I get travel to Istanbul as incoming councillor, I don't need my
>     NCSG EC travel slot. Would anyone be against using it for Rafik in
>     case he is able and willing to travel to Istanbul? I think it would
>     be very useful to have him there.
>              Julf
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