[NCSG-EC] Draft agenda for first EC call

Rafik Dammak rafik.dammak at gmail.com
Wed Dec 11 07:10:34 EET 2024

hi all,

amending the draft agenda based on Pedro suggestion and on latest updates:

1- Introduction

2- Membership review and process

        - review current applications

        - confirm procedures

3- ICANN82 prep /session planning

        - sharing draft schedule and sessions

        - EC session

        - joint meetings ideas: CPH, ALAC?

4- Proposal for EC plan

        - review/draft operating procedures

        - streamline work with constituencies e.g. meetings

        - membership system replacement

        - coordination with PC: priority topics

5- NCSG PIR proposal

6- AOB



Le ven. 6 déc. 2024 à 23:32, Rafik Dammak <rafik.dammak at gmail.com> a écrit :

> hi all,
> This is a draft agenda for our first EC meeting, next week Thursday
> 1- Introduction
> 2- Membership review and process
> - review current applications
>         - confirm procedures
> 3- ICANN82 prep /session planning
> 4- Proposal for EC plan
> - review/draft operating procedures
>         - membership system replacement
> - streamline work with constituencies e.g. meetings
> 5- AOB
> Let me know if you have any suggestions or comments. This is just a draft
> list of topics to discuss and elicit your input. For EC calls, the idea is
> to have monthly calls partly to go through the membership application but I
> would like us to spend more time to strategize and agree on different
> activities/projects under the remit of EC.
> Best regards,
> Rafik
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