[NCSG-EC] member applications

Johan Helsingius julf at Julf.com
Tue Jan 24 12:05:33 EET 2023


Trying to deal with the embarrassing backlog of membership application
approvals, I went through all the pending applications.

Seems we have managed to approve (as in all who have commented have
given a "yes") all of 6 applications for individual and 3 applications
for organizational membership (well, 4 if one counts the somewhat
odd-sounding "#DearGovernments Organisation". There are "no" votes
on 17 organisations (because they haven't provided statement of interest
and/or domain name) and 9 individuals (3 with no reason provided, 3
because of not enough information, and 3 because they are not seen as

There are 4 individual applications (including one prominent former
board member) with no comments or votes, same for 2 organisations
that seem to have, according to CiviCRM, applied for membership in
NCUC & NPOC, but not NCSG - is that possible?

There are 17 new individual and 3 organizational applications
since our last EC meeting.

How do we proceed? I suggest we consider the 9 with all "yes" votes
and the 6 ones with no comments (and thus no "no" votes) approved.

For the 17 organisations that haven't provided statement of interest
or domain name, I suggest we deny the applications but ask them to
resubmit, providing the needed information.

For the 9 individuals that have gotten a "no" vote, I would appreciate
if you could fill in a valid reason for denying the application. We can
as the 3 with not enough information to resubmit with more information,
but as for the 3 that are not seen as non-commercial, I would like
to understand what the judgement is based on - it is of course OK to
say "I have confidential inside information that I can tell in person".

Hopefully this would allow us to get rid of the backlog clogging up
CiviCRM and get back to a more normal situation.



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