[NCSG-EC] Ed Morris

Tapani Tarvainen ncsg at tapani.tarvainen.info
Mon Jul 31 19:34:48 EEST 2017

Dear all,

As indicated earlier we should make decision about Ed's status
(and subsequently Tatiana's position in the council).

I'd like to do it quickly but nonetheless by the book as it were,
as the situation is unusual to say the least.

First, for reference and especially for our new members,
all we really know about Ed's situation is summed here:


Unfortunately that is more than a bit unclear, and Ed has
ignored my requests to clarify it.

There are several intertwined yet separate issues here:

* Council
* NCSG Finance Committee & Treasurer
* NCSG membership

The most urgent and at the same time difficult one is council.
It impacts two things: Tatiana's position in the council (which is
little but formality) and putting his seat up for election (which is
crucial, and urgent).

Problem here is that our charter doesn't say anything about removing
councillors; that's something that's been discussed before without any
resolution (other than noting it should be fixed).

Finance Committee is easy: he's there as NCUC representative, and NCUC
EC can replace him at any time at their discretion. I suggest we ask
them to do that as soon as convenient for them. It's not particularly
urgent either, as we have no money so the FC has little to do.

As for his NCSG membership, I don't see anything in that message that
explicitly says he wants to leave it (we've got many members who've
left our mailing lists but remain members nonetheless). Perhaps this
would be useful as a test case for our (still draft) member removal

Tapani Tarvainen

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