[NCSG-EC] Ballot draft

Tapani Tarvainen ncsg at tapani.tarvainen.info
Fri Aug 18 18:05:10 EEST 2017

Dear EC,

Here's is planned ballot for the election. This has to be finalized
by Sunday, so quick comments would be appreciated.

Candidates are in alphabetical order. They could also be arranged by
the order of nomination or acceptance or randomized - opinions welcome.

Also, suggestions on possible additional explanatory text would be

NCSG Election 2017

**NCSG Chair**

Select at most *one* of the following candiates:

[ ] Farzaneh Badii
[ ] David Cake

**GNSO Council**

Select at most *four* (4) of the following candidates:

[ ] Ayden Férdeline
[ ] Michael Karanicolas
[ ] Tatiana Tropina
[ ] Arsène Tungali
[ ] Martin Silva Valent

Tapani Tarvainen

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