[NCSG-ANTIABUSE] [Public Comment] Statistical Analysis of DNS Abuse in gTLDs (SADAG) Report

Rafik Dammak rafik.dammak at gmail.com
Thu Aug 10 03:11:01 EEST 2017

Hi all,

there is a new public comment about the Statistical Analysis of DNS Abuse
in gTLDs (SADAG) Report (
https://www.icann.org/public-comments/sadag-final-2017-08-09-en). We had a
discussion in Johannesburg meeting regarding the rise of anti-abuse topic
and expressed concerns from a rights standpoint.
The study will also feed the work of the  Competition, Consumer Trust and
Consumer Choice review team.

>From the description page:

"The study provides measures and analysis of:

   - Absolute counts of abusive domains per gTLD and registrar from 1
   January 2014 until 31 December 2016
   - Abuse rates, based on an "abused domains per 10,000" ratio (as a
   normalization factor to account for different TLD sizes), per gTLD and
   registrar from 1 January 2014 until 31 December 2016
   - Abuse associated with privacy and proxy services
   - Geographic locations associated with abusive activities
   - Abuse levels distinguished by "maliciously registered" versus
   "compromised" domains
   - Effects of DNSSEC, domain parking, and registration restrictions on
   abuse levels"

we should review the report and if need our comment as NCSG. please let me
know if you want to volunteer to review the report and draft a comment.


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