[NCSG-PC] GNSO Council Accuracy Assignment - Questions to be answered by NCSG

Tomslin Samme-Nlar mesumbeslin at gmail.com
Fri Jan 31 11:39:46 EET 2025

Hi all,

Since there are no further inputs or comments, I will proceed to submit
what I have here to the council as NCSG response, since today is the
deadline for submission.

Thanks again Farzi for your contribution to this.


On Wed, 29 Jan 2025, 07:30 Tomslin Samme-Nlar, <mesumbeslin at gmail.com>

> Hi Farzi,
> Thanks for the contribution. It is timely!
> @everyone, are there any other suggested contributions to these questions?
> I am also re-attaching the ICANN Org response here since it appears the
> previous link is now broken.
> Warmly,
> Tomslin
> On Tue, 28 Jan 2025 at 15:17, farzaneh badii <farzaneh.badii at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Thanks Tomslin. Please see my responses below:
>> Farzaneh
>> On Tue, Jan 7, 2025 at 8:58 PM Tomslin Samme-Nlar <mesumbeslin at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> If you recall, Registration data accuracy has been a topic of contention
>>> in the community now for a while. Those who follow the the topic know that
>>> the Accuracy Scoping team was paused by the council due to challenges of
>>> pursuing further work on accuracy, including that
>>>    1. It is unclear whether [the scenarios] would provide useful data
>>>    to inform the Accuracy Scoping Team’s efforts;
>>>    2. The scenarios are not expected to provide data as it relates to
>>>    identity verification of the registrant or veracity of the contact
>>>    information (i.e., the data belongs to the data subject);
>>>    3. The costs associated with a full-scale registrar audit [Scoping
>>>    Team Recommendation #2] may be prohibitive when taking into account the
>>>    relatively low level of insight the audit may yield;
>>>    4. ICANN does not have the authority to mandate collection of
>>>    nonpublic registration data necessary to conduct reviews outside of
>>>    auditing current contractual requirements; and
>>>    5. ICANN may not be able to demonstrate the purpose of some of the
>>>    data processing outweighs the rights of the impacted data subject.
>>> As a result, deliberations on this topic on the council was deferred
>>> till February and an assignment to ask ICANN Org some clarifying legal
>>> questions, and thereafter ask each SG/C to respond to a set of threshold
>>> questions that will help guide the way forward on this topic was agreed by
>>> the council. ICANN Org came back with their response
>>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/us-east-1.secure-attach.amazon.com/da78dbeb-dd4d-4f3f-96c2-1d5abfe7810b/d3fd2bca-021f-494b-957c-0c800d63f333__;!!PtGJab4!5ebsdR0WRUrjpIzUO8HekPbjqckThf0GWEiIM_7eVuzWwd4NAuc_-nt2-GqtwpE87UIulB_KPGxmS00M_1a2SSvlTw$>
>>> just before the December holidays.
>>> Now therefore, each SG/C is required to respond to the threshold
>>> questions
>>> <https://gnso.icann.org/sites/default/files/policy/2024/draft/draft-concept-proposal-accuracy-12sep24.pdf>
>>> by Friday 31 January 2025. We forgot to include it for discussion in our
>>> Policy meeting earlier this week. However, I request that members provide
>>> their input via this email thread. Once agreed, we'll forward our response
>>> to the Council. The questions we have to answer are in the link above but
>>> for convenience, I'll list them here below:
>>>    1. *What are concrete and articulable examples of what inaccurate
>>>    data DOES prevent or inhibit, and how does it do so?*
>>> Inaccurate domain name registrant data should be defined based on the
>> purpose of accuracy within the scope of ICANN's mandate: ensuring that the
>> registrant is 'contactable.' If the registrant cannot be reached due to
>> undeliverable messages caused by errors in the provided contact details,
>> the data should be deemed inaccurate.
>>>    1. *What are concrete and articulable examples of what inaccurate
>>>    data does NOT prevent?*
>>>    1. *Are there specific stakeholders, industries, or sectors
>>>    particularly vulnerable to the effects of inaccurate registration data? If
>>>    so, what are they and why?*
>>> Domain name registrants can be affected by insisting on having even more
>> "accuracy" requirements. In order to ensure accuracy suggestions could be
>> made to "identify" domain name registrants which goes against the principle
>> of respecting anonymity should the domain name registrant want to remain
>> anonymous and identification of registrants can have an adverse impact on
>> data protection and access to domain names globally.
>>>    1. *Given the examples provided in response to the three questions
>>>    above (if any), please articulate a short problem statement for accuracy.
>>>    The problem statement should consider:*
>>>       - *What is the current problem or challenge?*
>>>       - *What are the consequences of this problem or challenge?*
>>>       - *What is the ultimate objective of working on this problem or
>>>       challenge?*
>>>       - *Considering the limitations of data processing, how do you
>>>       propose to address this problem?*
>>> We don't believe there are many challenges facing data accuracy. There
>> are already requirements in place for domain name registrants to keep their
>> data accurate, and there is an ultimate punishment for that: losing their
>> domain name if they don't do so. Please refer to registrants obligation
>> here:
>> https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/registration-data-accurate-2023-11-02-en?utm_source=chatgpt.com
>>>    1. *Is now the appropriate time to address the problem? For example,
>>>    some stakeholders have mentioned the implementation of NIS2 as an important
>>>    precursor to understanding new accuracy requirements. Should this or other
>>>    examples be considered prior to engaging in potential policy work?*
>>> it's crucial to remember that NIS2 is a directive, not a regulation. Its
>> implementation will vary across European jurisdictions, and it shouldn't
>> set the accuracy standard for ICANN. This is due to two key reasons:
>> 1. NIS2's provisions concerning domain names were influenced by specific
>> stakeholder groups, not by multistakeholder consensus.
>> 2. Some transposing laws (e.g., Germany) aim to identify registrants
>> through data accuracy to prevent fraud. However, we believe that accuracy
>> at ICANN should not necessitate registrant identification.
>>>    1. *Are the ICANN org alternatives proposals worth exploring, such
>>>    as:*
>>>       - *Provision of historical audit data that measures registrars’
>>>       compliance with accuracy-related provisions in the RAA.*
>>>       - *Engagement with contracted parties and ccTLD operators on
>>>       developments in European policymaking regarding registration data accuracy.*
>>>    2. *What are the limitations of the ICANN proposals? Why should or
>>>    should they not be pursued?*
>>>    3. *What other possibilities can be explored to move our work on
>>>    Accuracy forward?*
>>> I look forward to your contribution to these questions.
>>> Warmly,
>>> Tomslin
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
>>> From: Feodora Hamza via council <council at icann.org>
>>> Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2024 at 23:11
>>> Subject: [council] Re: Follow-up GNSO Council Accuracy Assignment
>>> To: DiBiase, Gregory <dibiase at amazon.com>, council at gnso.icann.org <
>>> council at gnso.icann.org>
>>> Dear Councilors,
>>> due to technical issues, please see accuracy assignment attached and
>>> linked below.
>>> Accuracy Assignment:
>>> https://gnso.icann.org/sites/default/files/policy/2024/draft/draft-concept-proposal-accuracy-12sep24.pdf
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Feodora Hamza
>>> *From: *"DiBiase, Gregory via council" <council at icann.org>
>>> *Reply to: *"DiBiase, Gregory" <dibiase at amazon.com>
>>> *Date: *Thursday, 12 December 2024 at 20:57
>>> *To: *"council at gnso.icann.org" <council at gnso.icann.org>
>>> *Subject: *[council] Follow-up GNSO Council Accuracy Assignment
>>>    - *Attachments protected by Amazon: *
>>>    - Answer to the GNSO questions on accuracy.pdf
>>>    [us-east-1.secure-attach.amazon.com]
>>>    <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/us-east-1.secure-attach.amazon.com/da78dbeb-dd4d-4f3f-96c2-1d5abfe7810b/d3fd2bca-021f-494b-957c-0c800d63f333__;!!PtGJab4!5ebsdR0WRUrjpIzUO8HekPbjqckThf0GWEiIM_7eVuzWwd4NAuc_-nt2-GqtwpE87UIulB_KPGxmS00M_1a2SSvlTw$> |
>>>    - ATT00001.txt [us-east-1.secure-attach.amazon.com]
>>>    <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/us-east-1.secure-attach.amazon.com/da78dbeb-dd4d-4f3f-96c2-1d5abfe7810b/94d6cb3e-3ab2-446c-a385-9c201a9cffc9__;!!PtGJab4!5ebsdR0WRUrjpIzUO8HekPbjqckThf0GWEiIM_7eVuzWwd4NAuc_-nt2-GqtwpE87UIulB_KPGxmS00M_1ZAKmAJaA$> |
>>> Amazon has replaced the attachments in this email with download links.
>>> Downloads will be available until January 11, 2025, 19:56 (UTC+00:00). Tell
>>> us what you think [amazonexteu.qualtrics.com]
>>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/amazonexteu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_ehuz6zGo8YnsRKK__;!!PtGJab4!5ebsdR0WRUrjpIzUO8HekPbjqckThf0GWEiIM_7eVuzWwd4NAuc_-nt2-GqtwpE87UIulB_KPGxmS00M_1Zzdd6ztA$>
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>>> Dear Councilors,
>>> I am following up on the attached email from ICANN Org in which they
>>> provided their input on the accuracy assignment.  On 25 October, we shared
>>> the proposed accuracy assignment, which included questions for ICANN org
>>> and the community.
>>> Now that ICANN org has provided responses to the Council’s questions, we
>>> are now sending the remaining questions in the attached proposal to
>>> interested SG/C/ACs for their input. Given the proximity to the holidays,
>>> we propose giving groups until Friday, 31 January 2025 to provide their
>>> input to the Council.
>>> As noted during the Council’s previous discussions on the topic of
>>> accuracy, the Council recognizes the importance of accuracy and is
>>> committed to making progress on this issue. Your group’s responses to these
>>> questions are very important for the Council’s future discussion, and we
>>> strongly encourage your groups to think about these questions and provide
>>> candid responses.
>>> Thank you in advance for your input.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Greg
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