[NCSG-PC] Fwd: Public Comment - Third Proceeding for Proposed Language for Draft Sections of Next Round AGB

Tomslin Samme-Nlar mesumbeslin at gmail.com
Fri Feb 7 04:56:17 EET 2025

Hi PC, all,

The comment for the third proceeding for proposed language for draft
Sections of the Next round AGB has been shared by the drafting team here
for your review.

Tricky one because deadline is Feb 7th at midnight UTC, so if you can
comment urgently, that would be much appreciated.



---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Pedro de Perdigão Lana <pedrodeperdigaolana at gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 7 Feb 2025, 08:16
Subject: Re: Public Comment - Third Proceeding for Proposed Language for
Draft Sections of Next Round AGB
To: Angie Orejuela <amorejuela3 at gmail.com>
Cc: Tomslin Samme-Nlar <mesumbeslin at gmail.com>, Michaela Nakayama Shapiro <
michaela.shapiro at article19.org>, Hakikur Rahman <email at hakik.org>, Stephen
Dakyi <nanayawbotar at gmail.com>, John Gbadamosi <john at mediarightsagenda.org>,
Bolutife Adisa <adisabolutifeo at gmail.com>, Emmanuel Vitus NCSG NPOC <
emmanuelvitus at gmail.com>, Kathy Kleiman <kathy at kathykleiman.com>, farzaneh
badii <farzaneh.badii at gmail.com>, Bruna Martins dos Santos <
bruna.mrtns at gmail.com>, Juan Manuel Rojas <jumaropi at yahoo.com>

Hi Angie and all!

The contributions you all made (thanks for that, and sorry for my lack of
further orientations and messages in the past few days) were used in
different parts of our Public Comment. Some of those were incorporated into
other sections, some were adapted to the overall style of the document, and
some of them were copied and pasted in what will be our main submission
(together with the form, that would not allow for a structured and
systematized submission, a pdf file will be sent, so our comment can be
better understood).

I can only thank you all for your hard work and for helping in this effort.
This Comment will be surely one of the most (if not the most) substantial
one, and we hope it will be useful in improving the final text of the AGB!

If you'd like to review the text, this is the time! (:


*Pedro de Perdigão Lana*
Lawyer <https://www.nic.br/>, GEDAI/UFPR <https://www.gedai.com.br/>
PhD Candidate (UFPR), LLM in Business Law (UCoimbra)
Coordination/Board/EC @ ISOC BR <https://isoc.org.br/>, NCUC
<https://www.ncuc.org> & NCSG
YouthLACIGF <https://youthlacigf.lat/>, IODA <https://ioda.org.br/> and CC
Brasil <https://br.creativecommons.net/>
This message is restricted to the sender and recipient(s). If received by
mistake, please reply informing it.

Em qui., 6 de fev. de 2025 às 14:15, Angie Orejuela <amorejuela3 at gmail.com>

> Happy Belated Birthday Pedro!
> Please let me know if I can assist with this more.
> Best Regards,
> *Angie M. Orejuela*
> mobile: +1 201-759-4972
> LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/angiemorejuela
> email: amorejuela3 at gmail.com
> On Thu, Feb 6, 2025 at 12:01 PM Pedro de Perdigão Lana <
> pedrodeperdigaolana at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Tomslin,
>> Yes, I'll do it today! I couldn't focus on this during the last few days
>> and had my birthday celebration on the weekend, when I usually focus on
>> voluntary efforts, so I left the bulk of it to be done today, which is the
>> actual birthday and a day off from work. In a few hours we will have a more
>> complete version (:
>> Cordially,
>> *Pedro de Perdigão Lana*
>> Lawyer <https://www.nic.br/>, GEDAI/UFPR <https://www.gedai.com.br/>
>> Researcher
>> PhD Candidate (UFPR), LLM in Business Law (UCoimbra)
>> Coordination/Board/EC @ ISOC BR <https://isoc.org.br/>, NCUC
>> <https://www.ncuc.org> & NCSG
>> <https://community.icann.org/display/gnsononcomstake/Home>(ICANN),
>> YouthLACIGF <https://youthlacigf.lat/>, IODA <https://ioda.org.br/> and CC
>> Brasil <https://br.creativecommons.net/>
>> This message is restricted to the sender and recipient(s). If received by
>> mistake, please reply informing it.
>> Em qui., 6 de fev. de 2025 às 05:19, Tomslin Samme-Nlar <
>> mesumbeslin at gmail.com> escreveu:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I noticed you didn't get a chance to clean up the document for it to be
>>> shared. Any chance that can be done today so that the PC quickly looks
>>> through it?
>>> Warmly,
>>> Tomslin
>>> On Tue, 28 Jan 2025, 22:15 Michaela Nakayama Shapiro, <
>>> michaela.shapiro at article19.org> wrote:
>>>> Hi Pedro,
>>>> Thank you again for facilitating this process!
>>>> I wanted to ask if anyone in this group could help me with a question I
>>>> put in the doc
>>>> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vWhVaPxkqelYu5PK1hn5E7uV1OMVpqZmikB_ehGSuOw/edit?tab=t.0#bookmark=id.875jgsagagbf>.
>>>> Under the Privacy Policy section *7. Security*, I posited that “*Service
>>>> providers (in this case, ICANN) should only be required to disclose
>>>> personal information about their users subject to a court order…”. *As
>>>> I am not a legal expert, *I would appreciate having any insight from
>>>> the lawyers in the group as to whether this claim is accurate/well-phrased.*
>>>> This is based on my reading of ICANN’s privacy policy and the data
>>>> protection laws in place within the jurisdictions that ICANN operates (e.g.
>>>> the GDPR, among other legislation). However, my concern is this is a
>>>> stretch and/or distracts from the main point, in which I could remove this
>>>> and focus our intervention on ensuring that the privacy policy is in line
>>>> with international human rights law.
>>>> Any input is welcome! I’m also happy to chat through anything.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Michaela
>>>> *Michaela Nakayama Shapiro *(she/her/hers)
>>>> Programme Officer - Censorship
>>>> [image: Logo.png] <https://www.article19.org> Defending freedom of
>>>> expression
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>>>> *From: *Pedro de Perdigão Lana <pedrodeperdigaolana at gmail.com>
>>>> *Date: *Friday, 24 January 2025 at 11:14
>>>> *To: *Michaela Nakayama Shapiro <michaela.shapiro at article19.org>, cc:
>>>> Angie Orejuela <amorejuela3 at gmail.com>, email at hakik.org <
>>>> email at hakik.org>, Stephen Dakyi <nanayawbotar at gmail.com>,
>>>> john at mediarightsagenda.org <john at mediarightsagenda.org>
>>>> *Cc: *Tomslin Samme-Nlar <mesumbeslin at gmail.com>, Bolutife Adisa <
>>>> adisabolutifeo at gmail.com>, Emmanuel Vitus NCSG NPOC <
>>>> emmanuelvitus at gmail.com>, Kathy Kleiman <kathy at kathykleiman.com>,
>>>> farzaneh badii <farzaneh.badii at gmail.com>, Bruna Martins dos Santos <
>>>> bruna.mrtns at gmail.com>, Juan Manuel Rojas <jumaropi at yahoo.com>
>>>> *Subject: *Re: Public Comment - Third Proceeding for Proposed Language
>>>> for Draft Sections of Next Round AGB
>>>> Dear everyone,
>>>> A kind reminder of our second deadline, to add your bullet points to
>>>> the document :D
>>>> (I'm also late on this, so don't feel pressured, I'll write mine at the
>>>> end of today!)
>>>> Cordially,
>>>> *Pedro de Perdigão Lana*
>>>> Lawyer <https://www.nic.br/>, GEDAI/UFPR <https://www.gedai.com.br/>
>>>> Researcher
>>>> PhD Candidate (UFPR), LLM in Business Law (UCoimbra)
>>>> Coordination/Board/EC @ ISOC BR <https://isoc.org.br/>, NCUC
>>>> <https://www.ncuc.org> & NCSG
>>>> <https://community.icann.org/display/gnsononcomstake/Home>(ICANN),
>>>> YouthLACIGF <https://youthlacigf.lat/>, IODA <https://ioda.org.br/>
>>>> and CC Brasil <https://br.creativecommons.net/>
>>>> This message is restricted to the sender and recipient(s). If received
>>>> by mistake, please reply informing it.
>>>> Em dom., 19 de jan. de 2025 às 13:39, Pedro de Perdigão Lana <
>>>> pedrodeperdigaolana at gmail.com> escreveu:
>>>> Hi everyone!
>>>> So, for those who could not be at the meeting, and sharing what we
>>>> talked about, here is what we have to do (all dates here consider the end
>>>> of the day as the deadline, i.e., midnight UTC/GMT):
>>>>    1. *By tomorrow, 20/01/2025,* we will *assign ourselves a topic
>>>>    (you can do this directly on Google Docs or by responding to this message)*
>>>>    as they are divided in the Public Comment form for submission (please note
>>>>    that this is not entirely aligned with the list of documents provided to us
>>>>    to comment on, since a few of these topics are in the same document, and it
>>>>    makes sense to group them together when choosing here):
>>>>    - Application Comments (Topic 28: Role of Application Comment)
>>>>       - GAC Member Early Warnings (Topic 30: GAC Consensus Advice and
>>>>       GAC Early Warning)
>>>>       - GAC Advice (Topic 30: GAC Consensus Advice and GAC Early
>>>>       Warning)
>>>>       - Singular/Plural Notification (Topic 24: String Similarity
>>>>       Evaluations)
>>>>       - Objections (Topic 31: Objections and Topic 32: Limited
>>>>       Challenge/Appeal Mechanism)
>>>>       - ICANN Dispute Resolution Procedure (Topic 31: Objections and
>>>>       Topic 32: Limited Challenge/Appeal Mechanism)
>>>>       - ICANN Objection Appeals Procedure (Topic 31: Objections and
>>>>       Topic 32: Limited Challenge/Appeal Mechanism)
>>>>       - New gTLD Program: Next Round Privacy Policy
>>>>       - Post-Contracting
>>>>       - DNS Stability
>>>>       - Security and Stability (Topic 26: Security and Stability)
>>>>       - Different TLD Types (Topic 4: Different TLD Types)
>>>>       - Legal Compliance Check
>>>>    2. *Read the document listed in the Public Comment page *(
>>>>    https://www.icann.org/en/public-comment/proceeding/proposed-language-for-draft-sections-of-the-next-round-applicant-guidebook-01-02-2024)
>>>>    *related to the topic(s) you got*. Also read the background
>>>>    provided on the same page, so you can better understand the context.
>>>>    3. *Read other NCSG materials that are related to your chosen issue*
>>>>    (even if it is not exactly about the same thing) to have an idea of what
>>>>    non-commercial positions are. A few examples:
>>>>    - Our Comment regarding the Second Proceeding:
>>>>       https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yl4g5N-BwW6zzr4aHkQgkBBwCmtC62xoOqC6d9aaPS0/edit?tab=t.0
>>>>       - We have here a great list of other public comments that could
>>>>       be relevant to the topic you chose (for example, the person who chose the
>>>>       Privacy Policy topic on the Third Proceeding will surely find a lot of
>>>>       non-commercial arguments in other public comments related to the privacy of
>>>>       registrants):
>>>>       https://community.icann.org/display/gnsononcomstake/Public+Comments
>>>>       - Searching for policy discussions that happened in the mailing
>>>>       list may also be useful:
>>>>       https://listserv.syr.edu/scripts/wa.exe?A0=NCSG-DISCUSS
>>>>    4. *Until JANUARY 23rd (Thursday), *after reading the materials, *write
>>>>    short bullet points on the Google Docs with*:
>>>>    - 4.1: *Copying and pasting section of the document you are reading*
>>>>       that you believe to be strange, risky, or against NCSG positions in the
>>>>       document. You can also select sections that you think are really positive,
>>>>       to compliment the work done.
>>>>       - 4.2: *The reasons why you believe these sections are
>>>>       problematic*, or the reasons why you would like to highlight the
>>>>       right choice that was made by those who wrote the document.
>>>>       - 4.3: *The reasons why you believe these sections are important
>>>>       from a non-commercial perspective* (are rights of the
>>>>       registrants at risk? Is that rule a problem in authoritarian countries? Is
>>>>       that requirement a barrier for non-traditional applicants for a new gTLD?)
>>>>       or are important to the whole community (is that a bureaucratic rule that
>>>>       won't serve a real purpose and make the process slower and less efficient?
>>>>       Is the text confusing or contradictory?)
>>>>       - 4.4: *What are your proposals to make it better * - what would
>>>>       you suppress, change, or add to the current text/wording. If you do not
>>>>       have a solution yet, that is not a problem, we will have other experts from
>>>>       the non-commercial community helping us as we go by and in the final week
>>>>       before submission *(we will also leave it open for comments of
>>>>       others from NCSG from February 1st to February 6th)*.
>>>>    - I've copied a few of those who have worked on issues that are
>>>>          relevant to this Third Proceeding before (Bolutife, Emmanuel, Kathy, Farzi,
>>>>          Bruna e Juan), as listed in our Public Comment page, so that, *if
>>>>          they have the time and availability*, they can help with
>>>>          their knowledge and experience on some of the topics that may be more
>>>>          complex. If you know someone that I forgot, please add them to the loop! (:
>>>>    5. *By January 29th, **we will write a more complete draft,
>>>>    expanding on the arguments*. We can already start to help what
>>>>    others are writing, but there will be a phase specifically for that.
>>>>    6. *By February 1st, **we will review our own text and the text
>>>>    from others on subjects that you are also interested in*, so as to
>>>>    help each other and make our whole argument more consistent and complete. *We
>>>>    will then share our work with the NCSG mailing list*.
>>>>    7. *By February 6th*, the non-commercial community will review and
>>>>    comment on our draft. We can also use this time to do our own reviews if
>>>>    there wasn't enough time to do this in the previous phase.
>>>>    8. *By February 7th morning, **we will do a last review adding all
>>>>    the contributions* that were not already incorporated as they were
>>>>    being made from Feb. 1st to Feb. 6th, so Tomslin can submit the doc
>>>>    respecting the Public Comment deadline.
>>>> *Remember to add your text on suggestion mode, so we can track
>>>> contributions, especially when you are commenting on/helping with what
>>>> others are writing.*
>>>> If you have any questions or if any clarification is needed, just let
>>>> me know! If you would like to change any deadline or add another step you
>>>> think could be useful, I would also appreciate your input. *Thank you
>>>> all so much for your time, effort, and energy, this is what we need as NCSG
>>>> and a great path to get more recognition and appreciation within the
>>>> community.*
>>>> We have been receiving good feedback on some of our last public
>>>> comments, so if we do this right it will surely have an impact on the final
>>>> version of the Applicant Guidebook (AGB). Let's get to work, team, and
>>>> produce another great Public Comment!
>>>> Cordially,
>>>> *Pedro de Perdigão Lana*
>>>> Lawyer <https://www.nic.br/>, GEDAI/UFPR <https://www.gedai.com.br/>
>>>> Researcher
>>>> PhD Candidate (UFPR), LLM in Business Law (UCoimbra)
>>>> Coordination/Board/EC @ ISOC BR <https://isoc.org.br/>, NCUC
>>>> <https://www.ncuc.org> & NCSG
>>>> <https://community.icann.org/display/gnsononcomstake/Home>(ICANN),
>>>> YouthLACIGF <https://youthlacigf.lat/>, IODA <https://ioda.org.br/>
>>>> and CC Brasil <https://br.creativecommons.net/>
>>>> This message is restricted to the sender and recipient(s). If received
>>>> by mistake, please reply informing it.
>>>> Em dom., 19 de jan. de 2025 às 10:04, Pedro de Perdigão Lana <
>>>> pedrodeperdigaolana at gmail.com> escreveu:
>>>> Hi everyone!
>>>> Kind reminder we are about to start.
>>>> Cordially,
>>>> *Pedro de Perdigão Lana*
>>>> Lawyer <https://www.nic.br/>, GEDAI/UFPR <https://www.gedai.com.br/>
>>>> Researcher
>>>> PhD Candidate (UFPR), LLM in Business Law (UCoimbra)
>>>> Coordination/Board/EC @ ISOC BR <https://isoc.org.br/>, NCUC
>>>> <https://www.ncuc.org> & NCSG
>>>> <https://community.icann.org/display/gnsononcomstake/Home>(ICANN),
>>>> YouthLACIGF <https://youthlacigf.lat/>, IODA <https://ioda.org.br/>
>>>> and CC Brasil <https://br.creativecommons.net/>
>>>> This message is restricted to the sender and recipient(s). If received
>>>> by mistake, please reply informing it.
>>>> Em sex., 17 de jan. de 2025 às 19:04, Pedro de Perdigão Lana <
>>>> pedrodeperdigaolana at gmail.com> escreveu:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> Creating a new email chain so we focus our conversation to write NCSG
>>>> public comment regarding the *Third Proceeding for Proposed Language
>>>> for Draft Sections of Next Round AGB* here.
>>>> Link:
>>>> https://www.icann.org/en/public-comment/proceeding/third-proceeding-for-proposed-language-for-draft-sections-of-next-round-agb-19-12-2024
>>>> Our working doc:
>>>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vWhVaPxkqelYu5PK1hn5E7uV1OMVpqZmikB_ehGSuOw/edit
>>>> We already have a winning time for our planning meeting, which is
>>>> January 19th (Sunday), at 13h00 (or 1 pm) UTC/GMT. I think 30 min will be
>>>> enough. Here is the link for our meeting (I've already sent a calendar
>>>> invite):
>>>> Pedro de Perdigão Lana is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
>>>> Join Zoom Meeting
>>>> https://us04web.zoom.us/j/75802194797?pwd=n0WpNiHG7d9klej6GYmlndwCa6TKQ8.1
>>>> Meeting ID: 758 0219 4797
>>>> Passcode: 9GVaq8
>>>> Cordially,
>>>> *Pedro de Perdigão Lana*
>>>> Advogado - OAB/PR 90.600 <https://www.nic.br/>,  Pesquisador (
>>>> GEDAI/UFPR <https://www.gedai.com.br/>)
>>>> Doutorando em Direito (UFPR), Mestre em Direito Empresarial (UCoimbra),
>>>> Coordenação/Diretoria/EC @ ISOC BR <https://isoc.org.br/>, NCUC
>>>> <https://www.ncuc.org> & NCSG
>>>> <https://community.icann.org/display/gnsononcomstake/Home>(ICANN),
>>>> YouthLACIGF <https://youthlacigf.lat/>, IODA <https://ioda.org.br/> e CC
>>>> Brasil <https://br.creativecommons.net/>.
>>>> Essa mensagem é restrita ao remetente e destinatário(s). Se recebida
>>>> por engano, favor responder informando o erro.
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