[NCSG-PC] NCSG Policy Priority Topics for the upcoming year

Tomslin Samme-Nlar mesumbeslin at gmail.com
Tue Dec 10 02:57:50 EET 2024

Hi members,

For the upcoming policy year, we would like to have some level of planning
and strategy on potential topics of interest to NCSG, with the hope that
this would lead to NCSG being more proactive in policy discussions than we
are today. I acknowledge that we are fuelled by volunteer sweat and blood,
so time resources are very limited. It is therefore not possible to work on
every topic.
As a result, I would like to ask members to nominate topics they see us
prioritising for the coming year. Based on the input received, the PC will
prioritise and plan on each topic accordingly.

You can use the attached link
of the Council Action Decision Radar (ADR) to get a sense of what is coming
up in the next couple of months.

I am looking forward to you suggestions

NCSG Policy Committee Chair
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