Andrea Glandon andrea.glandon at icann.org
Tue Jan 28 17:29:53 EET 2025

Hello all,

Now that all of the joint meetings for ICANN82 have been sorted, I wanted to reach out with possible times for an NCSG EC meeting. This will be a signup room so there will be no technical support, recording, etc. All of the members of the NCSG EC will be onsite, except for Wale. Someone could always setup a Zoom if necessary for Wale to join.

The following times are open or another option any day at lunch time could be used as well.

Sunday, 08 March, 1630-1730 local time-this would conflict with SCCI
Monday, 10 March, 1500-1600-this would conflict with the Board/GNSO Council session
Wednesday, 12 March 0900-1000-this would conflict with SubPro IRT and PPSAI IRT sessions
Wednesday, 12 March 1030-1200 local time-this would conflict with RrSG Outreach: A registrant’s journey
Thursday, 13 March 1500-1600 local time-this would conflict with SubPro IRT

Andrea Glandon
Policy Operations Sr. Coordinator
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
Skype ID:  acglandon76

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