[NCSG-EC] Fwd: Appointment to NCSG EC

Rafik Dammak rafik.dammak at gmail.com
Fri Jan 17 07:50:44 EET 2025

Hi all,

We got new NPOC appointments to NCSG EC with Tapani and Wale who we should
welcome. I would like to thank Caleb and Jean for their service and
contributions in the EC.



---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Caleb Ogundele <muyiwacaleb at gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Jan 17, 2025, 09:17
Subject: Appointment to NCSG EC
To: Tapani Tarvainen <npoc at tapani.tarvainen.info>, Tapani Tarvainen <
ncsg at tapani.tarvainen.info>, Tapani Tarvainen <ncuc at tapani.tarvainen.info>,
Wale Adedokun <wale at abu.edu.ng>, Adewale Adedokun <wale at forum.org.ng>,
Andrea Glandon <andrea.glandon at icann.org>
Cc: Juan Manuel Rojas <jumaropi at yahoo.com>, NPOC-EC <npoc-ec at icann.org>,
Rafik Dammak <rafik.dammak at gmail.com>

Dear Tapani and Wale,

On behalf of our Chair @Juan Manuel Rojas <jumaropi at yahoo.com>  and the
NPOC EC, we will like to congratulate you on your selection to represent
the NPOC as our NCSG EC representative.

Kindly confirm the appropriate email @Andrea Glandon
<andrea.glandon at icann.org>  will use to add you to the NCSG EC mailing list.
This is also notifying the the NCSG Chair @Rafik Dammak
<rafik.dammak at gmail.com>  of your appointment.

I will be providing any necessary advice to you if need be,

Once again, congratulations.

*Caleb Ogundele*
Email: muyiwacaleb at gmail.com
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