[NCSG-EC] Fwd: [GNSO-SG-C-Leadership] Follow up: Feedback Requested: How We Meet Community Group

Rafik Dammak rafik.dammak at gmail.com
Thu Feb 27 15:03:01 EET 2025

hi all,

some updates about the "how to meet" proposal. it seems we will have to
submit again. it can be an opportunity to elaborate more but it also
indicates that reaching common ground might be challenging (and
expectations to complete earlier unrealistic). I think there will be  a
session in ICANN82 about the proposal.



---------- Forwarded message ---------
De : DiBiase, Gregory via GNSO-SG-C-Leadership <
gnso-sg-c-leadership at icann.org>
Date: mer. 26 févr. 2025 à 23:57
Subject: [GNSO-SG-C-Leadership] Follow up: Feedback Requested: How We Meet
Community Group
To: gnso-sg-c-leadership at icann.org <gnso-sg-c-leadership at icann.org>

Dear SG/C Chairs,

I wanted to follow up with a status update on this work. Your feedback has
been passed onto ICANN.

However, it seems that ICANN’s proposals will not be materially altered
before being presented at ICANN 82. The rationale here is that different
groups within the GNSO (and other SO/ACs) had conflicting opinions on the
proposals and it seems worthwhile to get the Community’s feedback on all
questions presented. This means your groups will likely need to reiterate
your views on these proposals in an upcoming public comment.

On a more constructive note, I think the feedback illustrated to ICANN that
most proposals will take further analysis, and deeper dives are required on
several areas (e.g., most of you noted that ICANN should be more creative
about sponsorship opportunities and other options for fundraising).

Happy to discuss further.


*From:* DiBiase, Gregory via GNSO-SG-C-Leadership <
gnso-sg-c-leadership at icann.org>
*Sent:* Friday, January 17, 2025 7:53 AM
*To:* gnso-sg-c-leadership at icann.org
*Subject:* [GNSO-SG-C-Leadership] Feedback Requested: How We Meet Community

   - *Attachments protected by Amazon: *
   - Updated Cost Data Related To ICANN Pu...copy.pdf

   - How We Meet - Summary of Input from C...copy.pdf

   - 2024 Cost Analysis of ICANN Travel & ...copy.pdf

   - 2022 - 2024 Cost Analysis of ICANN In...copy.pdf

   - Final - Charter for the Community Gro...tegy.pdf

   - DRAFT - How We Meet Community Group R...Docs.pdf

   - ICANN

   - ATT00001.txt

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Dear SG/C Chairs,

I am hoping for your help gathering feedback on ICANN’s proposals for “How
We Meet” (a.k.a. how to make ICANN’s meetings more cost effective).

As GNSO Chair, I’ve been tasked with gathering feedback on potential
recommendations that will go out to the Community for public comment.

Attached are a number of documents breaking down the cost of ICANN
meetings, but I think the most pertinent is one titled “How We Meet
Community Group Report”. ICANN has labeled this document as a “draft
strawman proposal” but it’s really a menu of options for reducing cost. I
think a good first step is for each SG/C to review these options and
provide feedback on:

   1. What options are missing?
   2. What options are unacceptable/problematic? (i.e., should not be put
   out for public comment).
   3. Do you have more granular feedback on the options provided?

I think this could give me a starting point for giving feedback to ICANN. I
have already flagged to ICANN that the GNSO is a diverse body and will
likely have disagreements, so a broader public comment on the “strawman”
will be necessary.

Please provide any other thoughts you may have as this group starts their

Thank You!


*From:* Alperen Eken via How-we-meet-2025 <how-we-meet-2025 at icann.org>
*Sent:* Tuesday, January 7, 2025 1:46 PM
*To:* how-we-meet-2025 at icann.org
*Subject:* [EXTERNAL] [How-We-Meet-2025] Agenda and Documents - Meeting #1
- How We Meet Community Group

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Dear all,

Happy New Year! I hope this message finds you well and that you’ve had a
wonderful start to 2025.

Next week, we will hold our first meeting to discuss updates to the ICANN
Meetings Strategy. This meeting is scheduled for:
Date: 13 January 2024
Time: 1700-1800 UTC

We’re looking forward to your participation and valuable contributions.
Please find attached the meeting agenda, some documents we prepared for
this group, and background documents that were previously shared with SOAC

   1. Meeting invitation ICS file
   2. Agenda
   3. Final - Charter for the Community Group for the Meeting Strategy
   4. Draft - How We Meet Community Group Report

Background Documents:

   5. How We Meet - Summary of Input from Community Groups
   6. Updated Cost Data Related to ICANN Public Meetings
   7. 2024 Cost Analysis of ICANN Travel & Meetings
   8. 2022 – 2024 Cost Analysis of ICANN Intersessional Meetings

We are aware that there are a lot of materials, therefore we are keeping a
drive folder for you where you can find all these documents, meeting
agendas, and notes of our future meetings in addition to any document that
we will be collaborating on. Here is the link:

Your input is essential as we will be working within a tight timeline.

I will serve as the project manager for this work, if you have any
questions, additional topics to propose for the agenda, or any other issue
please feel free to reach out at alperen.eken at icann.org .

We appreciate your participation and look forward to seeing everyone at the

Kind regards,

Alp Eken

Policy Development Support Senior Specialist

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)


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