[NCSG-EC] Fwd: [GNSO-SG-C-Leadership] Feedback Requested: How We Meet Community Group
Rafik Dammak
rafik.dammak at gmail.com
Sat Feb 15 01:18:45 EET 2025
Hi all,
I will send the comment to Greg, including support for reduction to 2
meetings .
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 21:10 Pedro de Perdigão Lana <
pedrodeperdigaolana at gmail.com> wrote:
> Agreed, Rafik.
> Cordially,
> *Pedro de Perdigão Lana*
> Lawyer <https://www.nic.br/>, GEDAI/UFPR <https://www.gedai.com.br/>
> Researcher
> PhD Candidate (UFPR), LLM in Business Law (UCoimbra)
> Coordination/Board/EC @ ISOC BR <https://isoc.org.br/>, NCUC
> <https://www.ncuc.org> & NCSG
> <https://community.icann.org/display/gnsononcomstake/Home>(ICANN),
> YouthLACIGF <https://youthlacigf.lat/>, IODA <https://ioda.org.br/> and CC
> Brasil <https://br.creativecommons.net/>
> This message is restricted to the sender and recipient(s). If received by
> mistake, please reply informing it.
> Em sex., 14 de fev. de 2025 às 04:19, Rafik Dammak <rafik.dammak at gmail.com>
> escreveu:
>> thanks Pedro,
>> we need to summarize the response then. For the meeting frequency, we
>> can go with 2 F2F and raise the point about the impact of virtual meetings.
>> Regarding Meeting Locations and Purposes:
>> 1- we are in favor
>> 2- we are not in favor
>> 3- the proposal impact is unclear and how it will be implemented
>> 4- meeting reduction (a big change that requires buy-in in the list
>> otherwise I will leave that blank)
>> 5- we are not in favor
>> 6- need to check impact such SPS GNSO council meeting or NCPH meeting
>> 7- conditional for having 2 F2F meetings and virtual meeting is to
>> review the approach for virtual meeting to take into account the challenges
>> Regarding Meeting Format, Logistics & Funding Sources
>> 1- we are in favor
>> 2- concern about the feasibility and how this will be implemented by the
>> community
>> 3- depends how much it impacts remote participation and the experience.
>> 4- concerns about local attendance experience.
>> 5- it is unclear how the block schedule can be revisited, requires more
>> details
>> 6- no position
>> 7- we are in favor for looking for sponsorship and support
>> 8- we are not in favor
>> Regarding Travel-Related Matters
>> 1- requires assessment of the impact in terms of support and meeting
>> staff.
>> 2- we are not in favor
>> @everyone last chance to send your input as the deadline is today, let me
>> know if you have concern about responses above.
>> Best,
>> Rafik
>> Le mer. 12 févr. 2025 à 05:40, Pedro de Perdigão Lana <
>> pedrodeperdigaolana at gmail.com> a écrit :
>>> Hi Rafik,
>>> I think there is already a high level of agreement among us three, at
>>> least. The biggest divergence seems to be around having one online meeting
>>> a year (I think just reducing it from 3 to 2 and improving the online
>>> decentralized methodology of work is better).
>>> And I'd still get back to my first suggestion, reg: possible downgrade
>>> regarding what hotels ICANN chooses, even if it is not popular (but, then
>>> again, nice to have vs. necessary to have). Maybe something a bit less
>>> luxurious, while still very comfortable, would already have a substantial
>>> impact, but ICANN should look a bit more around that so this could be
>>> objectively evaluated since it could heavily affect the "experience"
>>> criteria mentioned in the documents.
>>> Cordially,
>>> *Pedro de Perdigão Lana*
>>> Lawyer <https://www.nic.br/>, GEDAI/UFPR <https://www.gedai.com.br/>
>>> Researcher
>>> PhD Candidate (UFPR), LLM in Business Law (UCoimbra)
>>> Coordination/Board/EC @ ISOC BR <https://isoc.org.br/>, NCUC
>>> <https://www.ncuc.org> & NCSG
>>> <https://community.icann.org/display/gnsononcomstake/Home>(ICANN),
>>> YouthLACIGF <https://youthlacigf.lat/>, IODA <https://ioda.org.br/> and CC
>>> Brasil <https://br.creativecommons.net/>
>>> This message is restricted to the sender and recipient(s). If received
>>> by mistake, please reply informing it.
>>> Em ter., 11 de fev. de 2025 às 03:32, Rafik Dammak via NCSG-EC <
>>> ncsg-ec at lists.ncsg.is> escreveu:
>>>> hi all,
>>>> regarding Meeting Locations and Purposes:
>>>> 1- I think #1 is common sense practice about deciding and planning
>>>> earlier to control cost,
>>>> 2- I am not in favor of #2, the risk is there will be recurring
>>>> countries with challenges for parts of the community to attend i.e.g access
>>>> to visa etc. I think IETF does or did that and it is not a good example
>>>> IMHO of diversity.
>>>> 3- #3 proposal impact is unclear and how it will be implemented .e.g
>>>> are we will visit some regions more than others within the 5 years time
>>>> frame?
>>>> 4- I know it can be almost a taboo but we really should question having
>>>> 3 meetings per year , it is a non negligible time commitment and I believe
>>>> it is a hindrance for many to participate.
>>>> 5- While it can bring some cost reduction regarding hotels and venues,
>>>> it doesn't change the impact on attendees and based on policy
>>>> forum examples, it will require overhaul of agenda and schedule. it can
>>>> also impact the possibility of having the NCPH day meeting
>>>> 6- I think that makes sense as an approach as we are trying for an NCPH
>>>> meeting but it can possibly impact GNSO council SPS or WGs F2F (I didn't
>>>> hear about any since EPDP on RDS)?
>>>> 7- if it is a virtual meeting in the same format as during the pandemic
>>>> it might work fine, with challenges but can be handled better than full
>>>> remote participation as-is now. It will be kind of interessional.
>>>> regarding Meeting Format, Logistics & Funding Sources
>>>> 1- I think that is already ongoing. I think such a constraint will
>>>> encourage everyone org and community to rethink what the sessions priority.
>>>> 2- if that is targeting all sessions, setting criteria and deciding
>>>> will be impossible. We usually have a challenge to agree on the community
>>>> session. I think it is inapplicable but if it is about some informational
>>>> session mostly proposed by ICANN staff, it might be worthy to explore.
>>>> 3- depends how much it impacts remote participation and the experience.
>>>> 4- reducing interpretation and scribing, I think that can impact local
>>>> attendance experience.
>>>> 5- not sure how the block schedule can be revisited, GNSO already uses
>>>> the weekend (well we used saturday and sunday previously). it might be more
>>>> related to other parts of the community?
>>>> 6- I understand that reduction of networking receptions is already
>>>> implemented?
>>>> 7- that can be explored but as noted requires much effort to work with
>>>> local hosts and sponsors. I think it is typical of any conference
>>>> 8- we can say to that proposal in many languages
>>>> Regarding Travel-Related Matters
>>>> 1- I think it is already being implemented and we need to see the
>>>> impact in terms of support and meeting staff.
>>>> 2- this is a pandora box : who will decide who should attend and it
>>>> will create more tension within the community. I highly doubt if that is
>>>> effective or good usage of community time.
>>>> regarding metrics.
>>>> 1- average is not a good metric and doesn't give a good idea about
>>>> distribution of cost
>>>> 2- for the rest I guess they are fine to set
>>>> We need to consolidate and get a common position. At least we can agree
>>>> on what is no-go for us.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Rafik
>>>> Le mar. 11 févr. 2025 à 12:57, Tomslin Samme-Nlar <
>>>> mesumbeslin at gmail.com> a écrit :
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> *A. Meeting Locations & Purposes*
>>>>> I personally support #7. On #1, what I don't see is possible impact of
>>>>> booking flights "well in advance" can cause to overall cost due to the risk
>>>>> of closer-to-date changes
>>>>> *B. Meeting Format, Logistics & Funding Sources*
>>>>> I find #1 and #2 interesting if done together.
>>>>> *C. Travel-Related Matters*
>>>>> No to the options provided.
>>>>> Warmly,
>>>>> Tomslin
>>>>> On Tue, 21 Jan 2025, 12:32 Rafik Dammak via NCSG-EC, <
>>>>> ncsg-ec at lists.ncsg.is> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> there is some update and request for input on "How to meet". We
>>>>>> should review the different options proposed in the strawman document.
>>>>>> I will share this later with larger NCSG membership and adding some
>>>>>> context.
>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>> Rafik
>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
>>>>>> De : DiBiase, Gregory via GNSO-SG-C-Leadership <
>>>>>> gnso-sg-c-leadership at icann.org>
>>>>>> Date: sam. 18 janv. 2025 à 00:53
>>>>>> Subject: [GNSO-SG-C-Leadership] Feedback Requested: How We Meet
>>>>>> Community Group
>>>>>> To: gnso-sg-c-leadership at icann.org <gnso-sg-c-leadership at icann.org>
>>>>>> - *Attachments protected by Amazon: *
>>>>>> - Updated Cost Data Related To ICANN Pu...copy.pdf
>>>>>> <https://us-east-1.secure-attach.amazon.com/33f1c678-96e1-4015-8dfb-f02f5c2e62ff/fceed8c9-d3da-417d-aa8d-41514592e7f0> |
>>>>>> - How We Meet - Summary of Input from C...copy.pdf
>>>>>> <https://us-east-1.secure-attach.amazon.com/33f1c678-96e1-4015-8dfb-f02f5c2e62ff/3c682e35-ece6-4488-826b-6517b486832b> |
>>>>>> - 2024 Cost Analysis of ICANN Travel & ...copy.pdf
>>>>>> <https://us-east-1.secure-attach.amazon.com/33f1c678-96e1-4015-8dfb-f02f5c2e62ff/0e35facb-ecde-44e8-8d07-cc01120f2420> |
>>>>>> - 2022 - 2024 Cost Analysis of ICANN In...copy.pdf
>>>>>> <https://us-east-1.secure-attach.amazon.com/33f1c678-96e1-4015-8dfb-f02f5c2e62ff/483dcc57-02b6-4c29-85a3-cce7bef43c46> |
>>>>>> - Final - Charter for the Community Gro...tegy.pdf
>>>>>> <https://us-east-1.secure-attach.amazon.com/33f1c678-96e1-4015-8dfb-f02f5c2e62ff/e8ebf9cf-04c4-4fcc-8f90-4a16faef4b6a> |
>>>>>> - DRAFT - How We Meet Community Group R...Docs.pdf
>>>>>> <https://us-east-1.secure-attach.amazon.com/33f1c678-96e1-4015-8dfb-f02f5c2e62ff/36b9c423-0e0f-446c-8325-34689df8deb9> |
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>>>>>> Dear SG/C Chairs,
>>>>>> I am hoping for your help gathering feedback on ICANN’s proposals for
>>>>>> “How We Meet” (a.k.a. how to make ICANN’s meetings more cost effective).
>>>>>> As GNSO Chair, I’ve been tasked with gathering feedback on potential
>>>>>> recommendations that will go out to the Community for public comment.
>>>>>> Attached are a number of documents breaking down the cost of ICANN
>>>>>> meetings, but I think the most pertinent is one titled “How We Meet
>>>>>> Community Group Report”. ICANN has labeled this document as a “draft
>>>>>> strawman proposal” but it’s really a menu of options for reducing cost. I
>>>>>> think a good first step is for each SG/C to review these options and
>>>>>> provide feedback on:
>>>>>> 1. What options are missing?
>>>>>> 2. What options are unacceptable/problematic? (i.e., should not
>>>>>> be put out for public comment).
>>>>>> 3. Do you have more granular feedback on the options provided?
>>>>>> I think this could give me a starting point for giving feedback to
>>>>>> ICANN. I have already flagged to ICANN that the GNSO is a diverse body and
>>>>>> will likely have disagreements, so a broader public comment on the
>>>>>> “strawman” will be necessary.
>>>>>> Please provide any other thoughts you may have as this group starts
>>>>>> their work.
>>>>>> Thank You!
>>>>>> Greg
>>>>>> *From:* Alperen Eken via How-we-meet-2025 <how-we-meet-2025 at icann.org>
>>>>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, January 7, 2025 1:46 PM
>>>>>> *To:* how-we-meet-2025 at icann.org
>>>>>> *Subject:* [EXTERNAL] [How-We-Meet-2025] Agenda and Documents -
>>>>>> Meeting #1 - How We Meet Community Group
>>>>>> *CAUTION*: This email originated from outside of the organization.
>>>>>> Do not click links or open attachments unless you can confirm the sender
>>>>>> and know the content is safe.
>>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>>> Happy New Year! I hope this message finds you well and that you’ve
>>>>>> had a wonderful start to 2025.
>>>>>> Next week, we will hold our first meeting to discuss updates to the
>>>>>> ICANN Meetings Strategy. This meeting is scheduled for:
>>>>>> Date: 13 January 2024
>>>>>> Time: 1700-1800 UTC
>>>>>> We’re looking forward to your participation and valuable
>>>>>> contributions. Please find attached the meeting agenda, some documents we
>>>>>> prepared for this group, and background documents that were previously
>>>>>> shared with SOAC Chairs:
>>>>>> 1. Meeting invitation ICS file
>>>>>> 2. Agenda
>>>>>> 3. Final - Charter for the Community Group for the Meeting
>>>>>> Strategy
>>>>>> 4. Draft - How We Meet Community Group Report
>>>>>> Background Documents:
>>>>>> 5. How We Meet - Summary of Input from Community Groups
>>>>>> 6. Updated Cost Data Related to ICANN Public Meetings
>>>>>> 7. 2024 Cost Analysis of ICANN Travel & Meetings
>>>>>> 8. 2022 – 2024 Cost Analysis of ICANN Intersessional Meetings
>>>>>> We are aware that there are a lot of materials, therefore we are
>>>>>> keeping a drive folder for you where you can find all these documents,
>>>>>> meeting agendas, and notes of our future meetings in addition to any
>>>>>> document that we will be collaborating on. Here is the link:
>>>>>> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-IGp5C4QAZjj5OJlkYRARnpsg2HBgtV_?usp=drive_link
>>>>>> Your input is essential as we will be working within a tight
>>>>>> timeline.
>>>>>> I will serve as the project manager for this work, if you have any
>>>>>> questions, additional topics to propose for the agenda, or any other issue
>>>>>> please feel free to reach out at alperen.eken at icann.org .
>>>>>> We appreciate your participation and look forward to seeing everyone
>>>>>> at the meeting!
>>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>>> Alp Eken
>>>>>> Policy Development Support Senior Specialist
>>>>>> Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
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