[NCSG-EC] Fwd: [GNSO-SG-C-Leadership] Feedback Requested: How We Meet Community Group
Pedro de Perdigão Lana
pedrodeperdigaolana at gmail.com
Tue Feb 4 01:05:00 EET 2025
Hi Rafik,
My analysis, topic by topic:
- A. Meeting Locations & Purposes
- 1 - Should be done, but does not seem to have that high of an
impact, because ICANN already plans in advance. There is an ideal time in
advance to buy airline tickets (too early makes the price go up
again), but
space contracts are actually cheaper. That, however, doesn't
seem like such
a substantial saving.
- 2 - If the economy here is really substantial, it should be done.
However, it does not seem a high impact option.
- 3 - Seems like a bad idea, plain and simple. ICANN should rotate
more, not less, going for regions where the local costs of the meetings
would be lower, prioritizing cost-effectiveness instead of comfort.
- 4 - This is a really high-impact alternative resource-wise, but
this applies to everything (including negative impacts). Should be done
only if the other alternatives that are well received do not
accumulate to
the amount needed.
- 5 - This is a relatively impactful measure that could be
implemented, but with a lot of care. I feel there is room for
here, but the community would have to organize itself a little better and
with more previous planning.
- 6 - When allied with 5, this is an interesting alternative when we
are talking about good impact without too much harm being done.
- 7 - Seems like a bad idea. It is better to have more online work,
culminating in physical meetings, than having a multiple-day online
meeting, considering that those who do not work specifically with ICANN
wouldn't be able to focus without traveling (because of timezones, work
commitments that would continue, etc).
- B. Meeting Format, Logistics & Funding Sources
- 1 and 2 (the idea behind those two is too close to be separated on
a comment) - See number 5, 'A', with the difference that this alternative
seems much less impactful (financially speaking).
- 3 - Really do not have a good idea on this one. Does not seem
high-impact financially, but could be, and it largely affects the
experience of both onsite and online participants.
- 4 - This one should be considered after we have AI tools that are
efficient enough, and it would indeed be a good alternative. At
the moment,
however, this should not be considered, since it would be against a major
concern of the community about accessibility.
- 5 - See comment on A, '4 to 6', above.
- 6 - This seems like the most consensual thing to let go of if we
are thinking about necessary and good to have.
- 7 - For sure. If it is possible and could fill much of the gap,
this should be priority one.
- 8 - Heavily against it. This seems like the worst alternative of
them all.
- C. Travel-Related Matters
- 1 - I really don't like this option. I think having staff on site
is important and this is a good perk for the job, which seems to be very
hard. ICANN already seems to be cutting costs in this space, and going
beyond what is already being implemented could have negative
impacts on the
meetings for the rest of the community.
- 2 - Can't comment on this one without more info on what this item
really means. It looks, as of now, of a way to justify suppressing funded
travelers, but this justification looks fragile and could be biased.
*Pedro de Perdigão Lana*
Lawyer <https://www.nic.br/>, GEDAI/UFPR <https://www.gedai.com.br/>
PhD Candidate (UFPR), LLM in Business Law (UCoimbra)
Coordination/Board/EC @ ISOC BR <https://isoc.org.br/>, NCUC
<https://www.ncuc.org> & NCSG
YouthLACIGF <https://youthlacigf.lat/>, IODA <https://ioda.org.br/> and CC
Brasil <https://br.creativecommons.net/>
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Em seg., 3 de fev. de 2025 às 10:42, Rafik Dammak <rafik.dammak at gmail.com>
> Thanks Pedro for the comments. Yes the budget related documents show high
> cost by supported traveler. We should review the different options in the
> strawman document.
> @everyone please review and share your input.
> @Tomslin Samme-Nlar <mesumbeslin at gmail.com> Greg didn't say anything
> about deadline for input but was it discussed at GNSO council leadership?
> Best,
> Rafik
> On Fri, Jan 24, 2025, 20:38 Pedro de Perdigão Lana <
> pedrodeperdigaolana at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Rafik,
>> Just as a first comment before reading through all documents (focusing
>> (for now) only on the graphs and shorter docs), although this may be deeply
>> unpopular, comparing the budget for other events that I participated in one
>> way or another of the organization and/or supervision, hotel accommodation
>> seems to be in a higher percentage (meaning it looks a bit
>> disproportionate), especially if we take into account that flight costs
>> refer to the participation of (many) people from all over the world. I
>> note, however, that this may be caused by the large amount of days some
>> ICANN meetings have.
>> Cordially,
>> *Pedro de Perdigão Lana*
>> Lawyer <https://www.nic.br/>, GEDAI/UFPR <https://www.gedai.com.br/>
>> Researcher
>> PhD Candidate (UFPR), LLM in Business Law (UCoimbra)
>> Coordination/Board/EC @ ISOC BR <https://isoc.org.br/>, NCUC
>> <https://www.ncuc.org> & NCSG
>> <https://community.icann.org/display/gnsononcomstake/Home>(ICANN),
>> YouthLACIGF <https://youthlacigf.lat/>, IODA <https://ioda.org.br/> and CC
>> Brasil <https://br.creativecommons.net/>
>> This message is restricted to the sender and recipient(s). If received by
>> mistake, please reply informing it.
>> Em seg., 20 de jan. de 2025 às 22:32, Rafik Dammak via NCSG-EC <
>> ncsg-ec at lists.ncsg.is> escreveu:
>>> Hi all,
>>> there is some update and request for input on "How to meet". We should
>>> review the different options proposed in the strawman document.
>>> I will share this later with larger NCSG membership and adding some
>>> context.
>>> Best,
>>> Rafik
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
>>> De : DiBiase, Gregory via GNSO-SG-C-Leadership <
>>> gnso-sg-c-leadership at icann.org>
>>> Date: sam. 18 janv. 2025 à 00:53
>>> Subject: [GNSO-SG-C-Leadership] Feedback Requested: How We Meet
>>> Community Group
>>> To: gnso-sg-c-leadership at icann.org <gnso-sg-c-leadership at icann.org>
>>> - *Attachments protected by Amazon: *
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>>> - 2024 Cost Analysis of ICANN Travel & ...copy.pdf
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>>> Dear SG/C Chairs,
>>> I am hoping for your help gathering feedback on ICANN’s proposals for
>>> “How We Meet” (a.k.a. how to make ICANN’s meetings more cost effective).
>>> As GNSO Chair, I’ve been tasked with gathering feedback on potential
>>> recommendations that will go out to the Community for public comment.
>>> Attached are a number of documents breaking down the cost of ICANN
>>> meetings, but I think the most pertinent is one titled “How We Meet
>>> Community Group Report”. ICANN has labeled this document as a “draft
>>> strawman proposal” but it’s really a menu of options for reducing cost. I
>>> think a good first step is for each SG/C to review these options and
>>> provide feedback on:
>>> 1. What options are missing?
>>> 2. What options are unacceptable/problematic? (i.e., should not be
>>> put out for public comment).
>>> 3. Do you have more granular feedback on the options provided?
>>> I think this could give me a starting point for giving feedback to
>>> ICANN. I have already flagged to ICANN that the GNSO is a diverse body and
>>> will likely have disagreements, so a broader public comment on the
>>> “strawman” will be necessary.
>>> Please provide any other thoughts you may have as this group starts
>>> their work.
>>> Thank You!
>>> Greg
>>> *From:* Alperen Eken via How-we-meet-2025 <how-we-meet-2025 at icann.org>
>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, January 7, 2025 1:46 PM
>>> *To:* how-we-meet-2025 at icann.org
>>> *Subject:* [EXTERNAL] [How-We-Meet-2025] Agenda and Documents - Meeting
>>> #1 - How We Meet Community Group
>>> *CAUTION*: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do
>>> not click links or open attachments unless you can confirm the sender and
>>> know the content is safe.
>>> Dear all,
>>> Happy New Year! I hope this message finds you well and that you’ve had a
>>> wonderful start to 2025.
>>> Next week, we will hold our first meeting to discuss updates to the
>>> ICANN Meetings Strategy. This meeting is scheduled for:
>>> Date: 13 January 2024
>>> Time: 1700-1800 UTC
>>> We’re looking forward to your participation and valuable contributions.
>>> Please find attached the meeting agenda, some documents we prepared for
>>> this group, and background documents that were previously shared with SOAC
>>> Chairs:
>>> 1. Meeting invitation ICS file
>>> 2. Agenda
>>> 3. Final - Charter for the Community Group for the Meeting Strategy
>>> 4. Draft - How We Meet Community Group Report
>>> Background Documents:
>>> 5. How We Meet - Summary of Input from Community Groups
>>> 6. Updated Cost Data Related to ICANN Public Meetings
>>> 7. 2024 Cost Analysis of ICANN Travel & Meetings
>>> 8. 2022 – 2024 Cost Analysis of ICANN Intersessional Meetings
>>> We are aware that there are a lot of materials, therefore we are keeping
>>> a drive folder for you where you can find all these documents, meeting
>>> agendas, and notes of our future meetings in addition to any document that
>>> we will be collaborating on. Here is the link:
>>> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-IGp5C4QAZjj5OJlkYRARnpsg2HBgtV_?usp=drive_link
>>> Your input is essential as we will be working within a tight timeline.
>>> I will serve as the project manager for this work, if you have any
>>> questions, additional topics to propose for the agenda, or any other issue
>>> please feel free to reach out at alperen.eken at icann.org .
>>> We appreciate your participation and look forward to seeing everyone at
>>> the meeting!
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Alp Eken
>>> Policy Development Support Senior Specialist
>>> Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
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