[NCSG-EC] GNSO Chair 2024

Johan Helsingius julf at Julf.com
Wed Oct 2 09:11:19 EEST 2024

Any objections to us nominating Greg?


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	FW: REMINDER - 14 October 2024 | GNSO Chair 2024 Election Timeline
Date: 	Tue, 1 Oct 2024 16:04:16 +0000
From: 	Lori Schulman <lschulman at inta.org>
To: 	Johan Helsingius <julf.helsingius at gmail.com>, julf at julf.com 
<julf at Julf.com>
CC: 	MCole at perkinscoie.com <MCole at perkinscoie.com>, 
philippe.fouquart at orange.com <philippe.fouquart at orange.com>

Hi Julf,

Would you like to nominate Greg on behalf of our House?  I think we have 
2 options.  Nominate no one and support Greg when CHP nominates him or 
Nominate Greg as a show of good faith and support.   CSG is in favor of 
the second option.  As I sent the letter last summer in support of him, 
I was thinking that NCSG could do the nomination.    Either approach is 
ultimately fine with our side of the house.


With kind regards,

__ <http://www.inta.org/>


Lori Schulman

Senior Director, Internet Policy

*International Trademark Association*

LSchulman at inta.org <mailto:rodonnell at Inta.org?subject=Hello>

inta.org <https://www.inta.org/>***|***Locations 
<https://www.inta.org/about/contact-us/>***|***Social Media 

*From:*Terri Agnew <terri.agnew at icann.org>
*Sent:* Tuesday, October 1, 2024 12:00 PM
*To:* Lori Schulman <lschulman at inta.org>; philippe.fouquart at orange.com; 
Johan Helsingius <julf at Julf.com>; jumaropi at yahoo.com; Benjamin 
Akinmoyeje <benakin at gmail.com>; Cole, Mason (Perkins Coie) 
<MCole at perkinscoie.com>
*Cc:* Brenda Brewer <brenda.brewer at icann.org>; GNSO-Secs 
<gnso-secs at icann.org>; Andrea Glandon <andrea.glandon at icann.org>
*Subject:* REMINDER - 14 October 2024 | GNSO Chair 2024 Election Timeline

***Reminder, 14 October 2024 – Houses Submit Nominees*

Dear Non-Contracted Party House Chairs,

Please see below the GNSO Chair election timeline for the 2024 GNSO 
Chair election. We are sharing ahead of the announcement deadline in 
order to allow for more flexible election scheduling.



*Not Later Than:***


*Activity Commences:***

*9 May 2024***


Summer ICANN Meeting and/or dependency on new travel deadlines


Announce Proposed Procedure and Timeline

*12 JULY 2024 (ICANN81 funded traveler name submission deadline)***


T – 60 Days and/or dependency on new travel deadlines


NomCom Selectees Announced

SG/C New Council Members Announced

House Nominee Selection

*14 October 2024***


T – 30 Days


Houses Submit Nominees

*26 October 2024***


T – 18 Days


Candidates Submit Statements

*10 November 2024*


T – 3 Days


Candidate Meetings

*13 November 2024***




Election Held at Annual General Meeting

*15 November 2024***


T + 2 Days


Council informs the Board & Community and posts election results on the 
GNSO website

Traditionally the timeline is built in keeping with GNSO Operating 
Procedures guidelines, but with the funded traveler submission deadline 
now being 120 days prior to the meeting (instead of 90 days), we have 
had to adapt the first two steps of the timeline. This now fits in with 
the _12 July 2024_ as submission deadline for funded traveler names for 

The remaining steps however are in keeping with the GNSO Operating 
Procedures, counting back from the election date.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Kind regards,


Policy Team Supporting the GNSO

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