[NCSG-EC] NCSG EC travel for ICANN81 (Istanbul)

Johan Helsingius julf at julf.com
Fri Jun 28 21:34:43 EEST 2024

Dear Benjamin,

Understood. Thanks! Do you have any guess about when there would
be a permanent replacement (by Pedro or someone else)?


On 28/06/2024 17:08, Benjamin Akinmoyeje wrote:
> Dear Julf,
> He will replace David.
> Kind regards,
> Benjamin
> On Wed, Jun 26, 2024 at 5:44 PM Johan Helsingius <julf at julf.com 
> <mailto:julf at julf.com>> wrote:
>     Hi Benjamin,
>      > Please why can't Pedro be an NCSG EC?
>     He can. of course, if the NCUC decides so.
>      > You mentioned you want an NCUC  EC, and he can be our NCSG
>     interim EC,
>      > that is the path we would like to take.
>     Interim as in "until a permanent new EC member is appointed"? Sure.
>     Will he replace David or Farzaneh?
>              Julf

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