[NCSG-EC] Agenda-ICANN NCPH Membership Session

Andrea Glandon andrea.glandon at icann.org
Thu Jun 6 18:30:35 EEST 2024

Hello all!

Just sending the agenda around again for folks to take a look. This session is 90 minutes long.

Kind Regards,

From: Andrea Glandon <andrea.glandon at icann.org>
Date: Tuesday, May 14, 2024 at 12:40
To: "csg-excomm at icann.org" <csg-excomm at icann.org>, "ncsg-ec at lists.ncsg.is" <ncsg-ec at lists.ncsg.is>
Cc: Andrea Glandon <andrea.glandon at icann.org>, Brenda Brewer <brenda.brewer at icann.org>
Subject: Agenda-ICANN NCPH Membership Session

Hello all,

It’s time to start working on  the agenda for ICANN80. Please find below a link for the NCPH Membership session. The schedule will be available on Monday, 20 May 2024.

NCPH Membership Session<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_ez9vaJwX6VIliX-xN36Uv0mrbAur4s0imuNym7RT2o/edit?usp=sharing>

Andrea Glandon
Policy Operations Coordinator
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
Skype ID:  acglandon76

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