[NCSG-EC] [NCUC-EC] NomCom changes

Johan Helsingius julf at Julf.com
Wed Jun 5 21:39:11 EEST 2024

On 05/06/2024 18:44, Pedro de Perdigão Lana wrote:
> I also got curious about the whole situation, so I went through 
> transcripts and the wiki. Here is a summary of the last relevant 
> movements, which may be useful for others:

Thank you - very helpful!

> There were apparently no votes against the withdrawal, but, as far as 
> one can understand from the documentation, the real battle was already 
> lost in the GNSO consultations

So we failed on two points - both in Council (and corridor discussions)
where we failed to convince the CPH to support us, and in the working
group vote.

> However, there were many indications through the documents and webinars 
> that the WG did not believe this ended the debate, so we may keep an eye 
> up for our next window of opportunity. I would already like to volunteer 
> to participate when the moment arrives.

Problem is that nobody wants to revisit the issues now that
implementation has progressed this far. We do have the (passive)
support of the CPH now, and the Board is not against it but
as usual punts it to a "community decision". NomCom review 3
is far away in the future, and all eyes are on the holistic


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