[NCSG-EC] Fwd: [GNSO-SG-C-Leadership] Re: [gnso-chairs] Re: [soac-chairs] Initiating the Community Dialogue on "How We Meet": Initial Ideas & Meeting Request

Johan Helsingius julf at Julf.com
Fri Jul 26 09:30:32 EEST 2024

FYI - good point from RySG.


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	[GNSO-SG-C-Leadership] Re: [gnso-chairs] Re: [soac-chairs] 
Initiating the Community Dialogue on "How We Meet": Initial Ideas & 
Meeting Request
Date: 	Thu, 25 Jul 2024 21:20:31 +0000
From: 	Demetriou, Samantha via GNSO-SG-C-Leadership 
<gnso-sg-c-leadership at icann.org>
Reply-To: 	Demetriou, Samantha <sdemetriou at verisign.com>
To: 	terri.agnew at icann.org <terri.agnew at icann.org>, 
aheineman at godaddy.com <aheineman at godaddy.com>, 
philippe.fouquart at orange.com <philippe.fouquart at orange.com>, 
dibiase at amazon.com <dibiase at amazon.com>
CC: 	gnso-chairs at icann.org <gnso-chairs at icann.org>, 
ispcp-leadership at icann.org <ispcp-leadership at icann.org>, 
gnso-sg-c-leadership at icann.org <gnso-sg-c-leadership at icann.org>

Hi all,

Thank you for the extra time on this. The RySG offers the following 
feedback on the “How We Meet” paper and proposed community dialogue:

The RySG appreciates the opportunity to comment on this important issue. 
Continued community reflection on how to make ICANN’s processes more 
efficient and effective is always valuable. However, the RySG believes 
that holding these discussions and possibly ‘agreeing’ to changes 
through ICANN Org consultations with the SO/AC leadership is not the 
right approach.

These matters are fundamental to the operation of ICANN and the 
multi-stakeholder community. The last review of ‘how we meet’ was the 
2014 cross-community working group process that led to the current 
Meeting Strategy and the RySG believes that any changes to that strategy 
need to be agreed thorough a similar cross-community process and not 
through a brief set of questions put to the SO/AC Leaders with a request 
that they consult their communities.

The RySG stands ready to participate in such a working group. The RySG 
looks forward to identifying and discussing relevant issues for any 
Working Group Charter, such as future budgetary considerations, remote 
participation, climate impacts, current cadence and structure with the 
Community and the Board. The RySG encourages ICANN to provide concrete 
data around existing meeting structures and associated costs in advance 
of discussions with the Community to facilitate substantive, targeted 

The RySG appreciates ICANN bringing this important topic to the 
forefront and looks forward to discussion with the broader ICANN Community.




Samantha Demetriou

RySG Chair

*From: *Terri Agnew via GNSO-SG-C-Leadership 
<gnso-sg-c-leadership at icann.org>
*Reply-To: *Terri Agnew <terri.agnew at icann.org>
*Date: *Wednesday, July 24, 2024 at 6:15 PM
*To: *"aheineman at godaddy.com" <aheineman at godaddy.com>, 
"philippe.fouquart at orange.com" <philippe.fouquart at orange.com>, "DiBiase, 
Gregory" <dibiase at amazon.com>
*Cc: *"gnso-chairs at icann.org" <gnso-chairs at icann.org>, "Novoa, Osvaldo 
via ISPCP-Leadership" <ispcp-leadership at icann.org>, 
"gnso-sg-c-leadership at icann.org" <gnso-sg-c-leadership at icann.org>
*Subject: *[EXTERNAL] [GNSO-SG-C-Leadership] Re: [gnso-chairs] Re: 
[soac-chairs] Initiating the Community Dialogue on "How We Meet": 
Initial Ideas & Meeting Request

*Caution:*This email originated from outside the organization. Do not 
click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know 
the content is safe.

Hi Ashley,

We can offer the extension until Monday, 29 July 2024.

Thanks for checking in!


*From: *aheineman--- via Gnso-chairs <gnso-chairs at icann.org>
*Reply-To: *"aheineman at godaddy.com" <aheineman at godaddy.com>
*Date: *Wednesday, July 24, 2024 at 12:13 PM
*To: *"philippe.fouquart at orange.com" <philippe.fouquart at orange.com>, 
"DiBiase, Gregory" <dibiase at amazon.com>
*Cc: *"gnso-chairs at icann.org" <gnso-chairs at icann.org>, "Novoa, Osvaldo 
via ISPCP-Leadership" <ispcp-leadership at icann.org>, 
"gnso-sg-c-leadership at icann.org" <gnso-sg-c-leadership at icann.org>
*Subject: *[gnso-chairs] Re: [soac-chairs] Initiating the Community 
Dialogue on "How We Meet": Initial Ideas & Meeting Request

Apologies, but would it be possible to get an extension?  The RrSG is in 
process of drafting an initial response, but needs until next week if 
that is possible.

*From:* philippe.fouquart--- via GNSO-SG-C-Leadership 
<gnso-sg-c-leadership at icann.org>
*Sent:* Wednesday, July 24, 2024 11:10 AM
*To:* DiBiase, Gregory <dibiase at amazon.com>
*Cc:* gnso-chairs at icann.org; Novoa, Osvaldo via ISPCP-Leadership 
<ispcp-leadership at icann.org>; gnso-sg-c-leadership at icann.org
*Subject:* [GNSO-SG-C-Leadership] Re: [soac-chairs] Initiating the 
Community Dialogue on "How We Meet": Initial Ideas & Meeting Request

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Hi Greg,

Thanks for this opportunity of providing comments on the proposed 
approach to the Community Dialogue.

You will find attached the ISPCP Constituency’s initial ideas.

Happy to discuss.


Philippe, on behalf of the ISPs and Connectivity Providers Constituency

*From:*DiBiase, Gregory via council <council at icann.org 
<mailto:council at icann.org>>
*Sent:* Monday, July 22, 2024 4:44 PM
*To:* GNSO Council List <council at gnso.icann.org 
<mailto:council at gnso.icann.org>>; gnso-sg-c-leadership at icann.org 
<mailto:gnso-sg-c-leadership at icann.org>
*Cc:* gnso-chairs at icann.org <mailto:gnso-chairs at icann.org>
*Subject:* [council] Re: [soac-chairs] Initiating the Community Dialogue 
on "How We Meet": Initial Ideas & Meeting Request

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Hi All- resending this email as a reminder.  Council Leadership is 
requesting feedback by 24 July.



*From:* DiBiase, Gregory
*Sent:* Tuesday, July 9, 2024 11:02 AM
*To:* GNSO Council List <council at gnso.icann.org 
<mailto:council at gnso.icann.org>>; 'gnso-sg-c-leadership at icann.org' 
<gnso-sg-c-leadership at icann.org <mailto:gnso-sg-c-leadership at icann.org>>
*Cc:* gnso-chairs at icann.org <mailto:gnso-chairs at icann.org>
*Subject:* FW: [EXTERNAL] [soac-chairs] Initiating the Community 
Dialogue on "How We Meet": Initial Ideas & Meeting Request

Dear Councilors and SG/C Leadership,

We are forwarding the below message re: “How We Meet” from ICANN staff. 
Please solicit input from your respective groups on the ideas 
articulated in the attached Community Discussion Paper. For the purposes 
of gathering feedback, GNSO Leadership is happy to collect and collate 
inputs from the SG/Cs in order to share it with the other SO/AC Chairs. 
Looking at ICANN’s proposed timeline below, please send any feedback to 
gnso-chairs at icann.org <mailto:gnso-chairs at icann.org> by 24 July. Let us 
know if you have concerns with this approach.


Greg on behalf of GNSO Leadership

*From:* Mary Wong via soac-chairs <soac-chairs at icann.org 
<mailto:soac-chairs at icann.org>>
*Sent:* Sunday, July 7, 2024 11:58 PM
*To:* soac-chairs at icann.org <mailto:soac-chairs at icann.org>
*Cc:* team-leaders at icann.org <mailto:team-leaders at icann.org>
*Subject:* [EXTERNAL] [soac-chairs] Initiating the Community Dialogue on 
"How We Meet": Initial Ideas & Meeting Request

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not click links or open attachments unless you can confirm the sender 
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Dear SOAC leaders,

An action item from your informal meeting with Sally in Kigali was for 
the Policy team to facilitate a dialogue with you about “How We Meet”, 
viz., how our in-person and hybrid meetings can be optimized to ensure 
that resources (including financial, staff and community time) continue 
to be allocated appropriately to ensure the community can do its work 
effectively and efficiently, while staying within budgetary constraints. 
As a starting point for this dialogue, we have drafted the attached 
discussion paper with some initial ideas for your community’s 
consideration and to invite your suggestions for further discussion.

To capitalize on the momentum of recent conversations and to facilitate 
a constructive and substantive dialogue, we’d like to suggest the 
following cadence of meetings, structured around a few foundational 

   * Late/end-July: first call with SOAC Chairs and Vice-Chairs to share
     feedback on agreed strategic questions
   * Mid/late August (following collation of ideas and input): second
     call to discuss and agree on concrete ideas for implementation or
     further exploration
   * End-August/early September (if agreed is needed): third call to
     review agreed way forward, including any next steps for additional
     (longer term) ideas to be discussed further
The sort of strategic, foundational questions we were thinking might be 
helpful for focusing the dialogue include:

       o If you or your group could change one thing about how we meet
         that will facilitate efficiency in how we deliver ICANN’s
         mission while remaining sustainable into the future, what would
         that be?
       o What other key changes do we need to make to continue to ensure
         we can meet these goals?

Thank you for your support and willingness to collaborate with us in 
seeking to improve and optimize how we meet. Assuming you are 
comfortable with the proposed approach, I’ll make sure to come back to 
you with some suggested dates for the calls. Please let me know if your 
group have any questions or would like any additional information that 
can assist with your internal discussions about this topic. Thank you!




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