[NCSG-EC] TIOF - A couple of things (Membership).

Tapani Tarvainen ncsg at tapani.tarvainen.info
Tue Jul 9 11:49:23 EEST 2024

On Tue, Jul 09, 2024 at 09:18:10AM +0200, Johan Helsingius (julf at julf.com) wrote:
> Hi Jean,
> > - My login credentials only work as far as resetting the password goes.
> > Once I set it, login gets rejected so I keep requesting password resets.
> > Not the end of the world, just not ideal.
> Hmm, odd.

No idea about why that would be.

> > - I'd say that something else is missing in the configuration as my name
> > does not show in the "Not Yet Responded" column and I believe at this
> > stage my name should be in all applications (since I haven't reviewed
> > any yet).
> The name of the EC member probably needs to be changed in the actual
> web page code, so for now you are simply called Tapani for the purposes
> of CiviCRM. :)

I'd rather not have anyone else being me so I fixed that.

(The name is hardcoded in the webforms - two of them, one for
individuals and one for organizations, and three times in each. Duh.)

My name still shows up in the "Not Yet Responded" -column. I think
that'll change as soon as the page updates (that is, when someone
is approved or thatever) - let me know if not.

Tapani Tarvainen

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