[NCSG-EC] Requesting your investigation/mediation services

Stephanie Perrin stephanie.perrin at mail.utoronto.ca
Tue Oct 8 16:10:48 EEST 2019

Dear Ombudsman;

The Executive Committee (EC) of the Noncommercial Stakeholder Group recently received a request from Farzaneh Badii to take action regarding an ongoing dispute between her and Ayden Ferdeline.  The EC examined our Charter and asked themselves the question, to what extent do we have the responsibility to intervene and make a finding in a dispute such as has been taking place on the general NCSG-Discuss list (and elsewhere)?  We decided that once the behaviour crosses a line of civility/improper discourse, the matter should be referred to the Ombudsman.

We are deeply concerned that two of our members who work as hard and are as dedicated to our common cause as Farzi and Ayden are having such an acrimonious disagreement.  We are unhappy that this strife, when argued on the public list,  is discouraging generally to members, particularly new members.  I have undertaken to draft an ethics code, as suggested by Ayden, but in the meantime, we would appreciate it very much if you would contact both parties, investigate the matter, and provide your recommendations separately both to them, as this appears to be in some respects a private matter between them, but also to our EC, as we recognize our collective responsibility to help our members get along and solve disputes before they escalate.  We would appreciate any advice you might have on practical solutions for our leadership team to take action on, as this kind of strife is not a new thing, and we would like to address it in a professional manner.

Thanks for your assistance.

Kind regards,

Stephanie Perrin

Chair, Noncommercial Stakeholders Group
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