[NCSG-EC] Ballot draft 2

Tapani Tarvainen ncsg at tapani.tarvainen.info
Sun Aug 20 20:46:50 EEST 2017

Dear all,

Here's what I'm going to go with now. If you spot critical typos or
have serious objections, act fast - this can still be changed until
early tomorrow (Monday) morning (UTC).

NCSG Election 2017

**NCSG Chair**

Select *at most one* of the following candidates.
(If you don't want to support either candidate,
leave both unselected.)

[ ] Farzaneh Badii
[ ] David Cake

**GNSO Council**

Select *at most four* (4) of the following candidates.

[ ] Ayden Férdeline
[ ] Michael Karanicolas
[ ] Tatiana Tropina
[ ] Arsène Tungali
[ ] Martin Silva Valent

Tapani Tarvainen

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