[NCSG-GEONAMES] Geographic Names Ad-Hoc Group

Robin Gross robin at ipjustice.org
Thu Aug 31 22:31:05 EEST 2017

Thanks very much, Bruna, for kicking off this discussion on this list.  I wanted to contribute the attached statement on the issue of Geo-Names that a number of NCSG members submitted to the GAC a few years ago when GAC held a public comment period on its (then) proposal that ICANN restrict registrants’ right to use certain words in the DNS based on GeoNames claims.  The GAC WG proposal didn’t get much support from the broader community then, and even now seems to be driven by a small but determined minority of members in the GAC.  But I do believe it is important that we continue to engage on this issue and protect free expression rights in the DNS against these types of claims.


> On Aug 25, 2017, at 4:58 PM, Bruna Martins dos Santos <bruna.mrtns at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone, 
> Given the amount of discussions regarding geographic names that took place in the Johannesburg meeting, the NCSG has decided to start a little Ad-hoc groups to discuss the work performed by the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP Working Group on the theme, of which some of us are members! 
> After the cross-community discussions that happened during ICANN59, the co-chairs of the PDP WG are in the process of developing a fifth Work Track in the PDP dedicated exclusively to the discussions around the use of Geographic Domain Names at the top-level. The new work track will adopt a shared leadership model with balanced representation from the GAC, ALAC, ccNSO, and GNSO. 
> Given the relevance of the subject, we are now kicking-off the the NCSG now an ad-hoc group dedicated to geographic names. And, in order to provide more information on the subject to you, here follows a list of useful documents: 
> - All the information on the Geographic Names Webinars <https://community.icann.org/display/NGSPP/2017-04-25+Geographic+Names+Webinars> (also the background paper provided for the webinars) 
> - Transcripts for ICANN59 Cross-Community Sessions on Geographic Names at the Top Level <https://community.icann.org/x/jVPwAw>
> - A blog post on the theme for the NCUC Blog <https://www.ncuc.org/2017/08/24/icann59-report-geographic-names-and-new-gtlds-in-the-center-of-internet-policymaking/>
> Looking forward to get this discussion going! 
> Best, 
> -- 
> Bruna Martins dos Santos 
> +55 61 99252-6512
> Skype ID: bruna.martinsantos
> @boomartins
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