[NCSG-EL-REF] None of the Above

Tapani Tarvainen ncsg at tapani.tarvainen.info
Mon Jun 26 19:46:03 EEST 2017

Dear all,

I'd like to get some feedback on the charter requirements.

As you see there's no mention of NotA there. I can think
of three ways to interpret it:

A. The charter does not allow NotA at all.

B. NotA can be considered a candidate.

C. NotA can be thought of as allowed implicitly, by default,
   as most elections in general have something like it.


Other interpretations I haven't thought of?


On Jun 26 11:00, Tapani Tarvainen via Election-reform (election-reform at lists.ncsg.is) wrote:
> Dear all,
> As time is running short, I think it's better to start with
> potentially most difficult issues and ones that *must* be
> resolved before the netx elections. So let's have a go at NotA.
> Initially I have two criteria I think must be met:
> (1) Compatibility with our charter, at least some reasonable
> interpretation of it.
> (2) Clarity. It should be easy to understand what the rules
> actually mean in any foreseeable situation.
> Feel free to suggest additions or comment on those.
> Regarding the first, here's the most relevant part of our Charter:
> 4.3 Election for NCSG GNSO Council Representatives (size, number, and
> distribution of votes):
> In the discussion below, N refers to the number of seats that need to
> be elected. Optimally N will equal 3 seats in years with normal
> rotation. Any number of reasons can cause this number to vary.
> • NCSG members classified as “individuals” will be given N votes and
> must assign 1 vote to each of N candidates.
> • NCSG members classified as “small organizations” will be given 2N
> votes and must assign exactly 2 votes to each of N candidates.
> • NCSG members classified as “large organizations” will be given 4N
> votes and must assign exactly 4 votes to each of N candidates.
> 4.4 Election of NCSG Chair (size and number of votes):
> • NCSG members classified as “individuals” will be given 1 vote.
> • NCSG members classified as “small organizations” will be given 2
> votes.
> • NCSG members classified as “large organizations” will be given 4
> votes.
> • Members must cast all their votes for a single candidate.
> The full charter is here, feel free to point out other things
> there you think are relevant:
> https://gnso.icann.org/en/improvements/ncsg-charter-05may11-en.pdf
> -- 
> Tapani Tarvainen

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