[NCSG-PC] [Ext] [NCSG-EC] ICANN78 Stakeholders/Board sessions - Question from Board to NCSG

Andrea Glandon andrea.glandon at icann.org
Thu Sep 21 17:07:17 EEST 2023

Hello all, 

I have created a Google doc to work out questions and answers for the NCSG/Board session at ICANN78. I hope this will help.


Thank you!
Kind Regards, 

On 9/21/23, 02:12, "NCSG-EC on behalf of Johan Helsingius via NCSG-EC" <ncsg-ec-bounces at lists.ncsg.is <mailto:ncsg-ec-bounces at lists.ncsg.is> on behalf of ncsg-ec at lists.ncsg.is <mailto:ncsg-ec at lists.ncsg.is>> wrote:

"Looking forward over the next 3 - 5 years, what are the key
strategic issues ICANN and the ICANN ecosystem should be
addressing in the FY26-30 Strategic plan, and why?"

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: PLEASE READ - ICANN78 Stakeholders/Board sessions
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2023 06:34:47 +0000
From: Vinciane Koenigsfeld <vinciane.koenigsfeld at icann.org <mailto:vinciane.koenigsfeld at icann.org>>
To: julf at julf.com <mailto:julf at julf.com> <julf at julf.com <mailto:julf at julf.com>>, benakin at gmail.com <mailto:benakin at gmail.com> 
<benakin at gmail.com <mailto:benakin at gmail.com>>, plommer at gmail.com <mailto:plommer at gmail.com> <plommer at gmail.com <mailto:plommer at gmail.com>>
CC: Carlos Reyes <carlos.reyes at icann.org <mailto:carlos.reyes at icann.org>>, Michelle Bright 
<michelle.bright at icann.org <mailto:michelle.bright at icann.org>>, Andrea Glandon <andrea.glandon at icann.org <mailto:andrea.glandon at icann.org>>, 
David Olive <david.olive at icann.org <mailto:david.olive at icann.org>>, Matthew Shears 
<matthew.shears at board.icann.org <mailto:matthew.shears at board.icann.org>>

/Sent on behalf of Tripti Sinha, Chair, ICANN Board of Directors///


Dear Non-Commercial/Stakeholder Group///Leaders,

**Please reply no later than Wednesday 1**1 October **2023**

ICANN78 is right at our doorstep, and the Board and I couldn’t
be happier about the opportunity to meet with all of you in
Hamburg from October 21st to 26th.

This upcoming meeting is not only a chance for us to come
together and discuss our common interests, but it’s also a
momentous occasion as we celebrate ICANN’s remarkable 25th

We’re diligently preparing for the upcoming Annual General
Meeting, and weare equally excited about the celebration that
awaits. Rest assured,**we will share more details with you soon.

In the meantime, I want to remind you of the positive changes we
initiated during our time in Cancún, which were favorably received:

1.Tailored questions designed to cater to the unique needs of
each stakeholder group.

2.A blog that highlighted key takeaways from the ICANN Meeting.

3.Summaries of bilateral sessions included in the Policy
Outcomes Report published after the ICANN meeting.

In the next few months, we will be suggesting additional
improvements that we hope will enhance our partnership’s
performance and transparency, all with your satisfaction in mind.

Meanwhile though, it is important that we continue listening to
your specific needs and therefore here isthe question we would
like to ask_your_Group ahead of our joint session in Hamburg:

* *Looking forward over the next 3 - 5 years, what are the key
strategic issues ICANN and the ICANN ecosystem should be
addressing in the FY26-30 Strategic plan, and why**? ***

We look forward to hearing your thoughts on this soon.

We would be grateful if you could send to Board Operations
(board-ops-team at icann.org <mailto:board-ops-team at icann.org> <mailto:board-ops-team at icann.org <mailto:board-ops-team at icann.org>>)
the questions you would like the Board to address during our
face-to-face meetings. Given the finite time available for these
meetings, please list your questions in order of priority.We
would also appreciate getting your questions no later than
*_Wednesday 11 October, 2023_*.

Looking forward to engaging discussions and shared celebrations
in Hamburg!

Best regards,

Tripti Sinha

Chair, ICANN Board of Directors

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