Raoul Plommer plommer at gmail.com
Tue Jul 11 00:54:20 EEST 2023

Dear members of the NCSG EC and the councillors,

Sorry for the delayed reply but I've tried to avoid the computer screens as
much as I was able, for the Finnish summer is very short indeed and I spent
three quarters of my summer holidays in conferences.

After starting off the conference quarreling with the NCSG chair on day
zero, I had a recurring anxiety attack that only became worse as the ICANN
meeting progressed, so much that before the joint NPOC and NCUC meeting I
got a severe migraine from all the anguish and anxiety and could not attend
on the second last day. I only met with a few select people during the
meeting but otherwise made myself scarce indeed. I have never felt so
unwelcome at an ICANN meeting.

To summarize, I think I had a nervous breakdown resulting from all the
negative things going on in the background. It was the second time in my
life that I actually thought about seeking professional help. Apart from
taking a rather long walk one day, I was locked up in my hotel room,
practically for the entire meeting.

I do not think that will happen again, since the Hamburg meeting is going
to be my last one for the foreseeable future and I still have a good few
things to accomplish that are still on track. Some of the people that have
been demanding disciplinary actions might be better off remembering nothing
like this has ever happened to me before and I have always attended as many
sessions as possible at live ICANN meetings.

Some of the stuff that has been weighing me down:

- A baseless complaint about me to the ombudsman about being dismissive
towards women
- A baseless accusation of racism
- Election that lost its anonymity
- A continuous smear campaign targeted at me and endless snarky comments by
a member of the NPOC EC, before and after the elections
- Publicly putting blame on me for (so far) unsuccessful retrieval of an
additional NomCom seat just two days before end of the elections

I want to finish what I started seven years ago in Marrakech and the
Hamburg meeting is going to be crucial in achieving that.

Sincerely yours,


On Mon, 3 Jul 2023 at 13:47, Johan Helsingius <julf at julf.com> wrote:

> Dear Raoul,
> You used an ICANN-sponsored travel slot to travel to the ICANN77 Policy
> Forum in Washington, DC 12-15 June 2023. It seems that despite being in
> Washington at the meeting venue, you did not participate in any part of
> the meeting. Is this correct?
> If so, what was the reason for not participating? Is this something
> that might also affect your participation in the ICANN78 Annual
> General Meeting in Hamburg?
> Kind regards,
>         Julf Helsingius, NCSG Chair
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