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<div class="elementToProof" style="font-family: "Franklin Gothic Medium", "Avenir Next Condensed Medium", sans-serif; font-size: 12pt; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">
thank Julf for your prompt response, I keep waiting news.</div>
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<div id="divRplyFwdMsg" dir="ltr"><font face="Calibri, sans-serif" style="font-size:11pt" color="#000000"><b>De:</b> Johan Helsingius <julf.helsingius@gmail.com><br>
<b>Enviado:</b> miércoles, 20 de noviembre de 2024 12:17<br>
<b>Para:</b> carlos dionisio aguirre <carlosaguirre62@hotmail.com><br>
<b>Cc:</b> NCSG EC <ncsg-ec@lists.ncsg.is>; agente2_9@yahoo.com <agente2_9@yahoo.com>; jfqueralt@theiofoundation.org <jfqueralt@theiofoundation.org>; Rafik Dammak <rafik.dammak@gmail.com><br>
<b>Asunto:</b> Re: [NCSG-EC] ask for NPOC status</font>
<div> </div>
<div class="BodyFragment"><font size="2"><span style="font-size:11pt;">
<div class="PlainText">Hi Carlos,<br>
NCSG (and thus also NPOC and NCUC) memberships have to be approved by<br>
all NCSG members. We had planned to have an EC meeting in Istanbul<br>
during ICANN81 to make sure all EC members got caught up with the<br>
pending membership approvals, but unfortunately not all EC members<br>
attended, thus we had to postpone approvals until the first (virtual)<br>
meeting of the new EC post ICANN81.<br>
Kind regards and with apologies,<br>
On 11/20/24 15:20, carlos dionisio aguirre wrote:<br>
> Hi Julf, Im writing again, wishing you are well after Istambul ICANN81,<br>
> Im writing to know about me and my organization AGEIA DENSI Argentina, <br>
> and referred in relation it NPOC status, wich I have required two months <br>
> ago.<br>
> I have not received any communication from you after having sent the <br>
> indicated form.<br>
> Please, tell me how follow it application, and if it require any <br>
> intervention of my part.<br>
> <br>
> thanks.<br>
> <br>
> Carlos Dionisio Aguirre<br>
> AGEIA DENSI Argentina - International Director<br>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>
> *De:* Johan Helsingius <julf.helsingius@gmail.com><br>
> *Enviado:* martes, 10 de septiembre de 2024 14:16<br>
> *Para:* carlos dionisio aguirre <carlosaguirre62@hotmail.com><br>
> *Cc:* NCSG EC <ncsg-ec@lists.ncsg.is>; agente2_9@yahoo.com <br>
> <agente2_9@yahoo.com><br>
> *Asunto:* Re: [NCSG-EC] ask for NPOC status<br>
> Dear Carlos Dionisio Aguirre,<br>
> <br>
> Can I ask you to submit a new application (using<br>
> <a href="https://members.ncsg.is/membership_application">https://bra01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmembers.ncsg.is%2Fmembership_application&data=05%7C02%7C%7C9cd66405b6124d29992c08dd09768341%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C638677126865316031%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJFbXB0eU1hcGkiOnRydWUsIlYiOiIwLjAuMDAwMCIsIlAiOiJXaW4zMiIsIkFOIjoiTWFpbCIsIldUIjoyfQ%3D%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=maNe0pKhzkKCKnxvq79%2FOmRRSSNEJ0RnXKXkoEp%2FblU%3D&reserved=0)</a>
<<a href="https://members.ncsg.is/membership_application">https://bra01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmembers.ncsg.is%2Fmembership_application&data=05%7C02%7C%7C9cd66405b6124d29992c08dd09768341%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C638677126865338303%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJFbXB0eU1hcGkiOnRydWUsIlYiOiIwLjAuMDAwMCIsIlAiOiJXaW4zMiIsIkFOIjoiTWFpbCIsIldUIjoyfQ%3D%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=XWymR%2F%2F5sPLgqJIx%2FWSATqxXNYqDXgLMlNAVziqAjBg%3D&reserved=0</a>><br>
> but with a comment of "Already NCSG member,<br>
> but also like to join NPOC". That way the request<br>
> gets into the system for processing.<br>
> <br>
> Kindest regards,<br>
> <br>
> Julf<br>
> <br>
> On 10/09/2024 17:26, carlos dionisio aguirre via NCSG-EC wrote:<br>
>> Dear Mr. Julf Helsingus, mi name is Carlos Dionisio Aguirre and I am <br>
>> the current International Director of AGEIA DENSI Argentina. Im writing <br>
>> respectfully to you in my own capacity to ask *include AGEIA DENSI <br>
>> Argentina into NPOC*. We are already members of NCSG and NCUC and would <br>
>> like to joint NPOC.<br>
>> Also Allow me to ask an update of our representative, replacing Mr. <br>
>> Franco Giandana by myself *Carlos Dionisio Aguirre as new AGEIA DENSI <br>
>> Argentina representative. *<br>
>> <br>
>> I await your affirmative response.<br>
>> <br>
>> Regards<br>
>> <br>
>> Carlos Dionisio Aguirre<br>
>> <br>
>> AGEIA DENSI Argentina<br>
>> <br>
>> Intl Director<br>
>> <br>
>> <br>
>> <br>
>> *<br>
>> *<br>
>> <br>
>> <br>
>> _______________________________________________<br>
>> NCSG-EC mailing list<br>
>> NCSG-EC@lists.ncsg.is<br>
>> <a href="https://lists.ncsg.is/mailman/listinfo/ncsg-ec">https://bra01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Flists.ncsg.is%2Fmailman%2Flistinfo%2Fncsg-ec&data=05%7C02%7C%7C9cd66405b6124d29992c08dd09768341%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C638677126865351473%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJFbXB0eU1hcGkiOnRydWUsIlYiOiIwLjAuMDAwMCIsIlAiOiJXaW4zMiIsIkFOIjoiTWFpbCIsIldUIjoyfQ%3D%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=PY6p0PmraNfKYfqBScT9Q0Tl%2ByuqWWvsxTWCjQ1%2Bcc8%3D&reserved=0</a>
<<a href="https://lists.ncsg.is/mailman/listinfo/ncsg-ec">https://bra01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Flists.ncsg.is%2Fmailman%2Flistinfo%2Fncsg-ec&data=05%7C02%7C%7C9cd66405b6124d29992c08dd09768341%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C638677126865363685%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJFbXB0eU1hcGkiOnRydWUsIlYiOiIwLjAuMDAwMCIsIlAiOiJXaW4zMiIsIkFOIjoiTWFpbCIsIldUIjoyfQ%3D%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=n7w1va4uAYmaIZnQHmE8Nl%2FsJPaXIaVUqXunH20diAE%3D&reserved=0</a>><br>